Happy Mother’s Day……have a meltdown with a side of drama
What Mother's Day would complete without a GYNORMOUS, "Happy Mother's Day" meltdown with a HUGE side of drama. All courtesy of Gavin. Here's what happened. Earlier today Gavin stepped on a Lego and cut his toe. It wasn't bad at all but it did bleed. Gavin DOES NOT respond well to the sight of blood. <Insert a HUGE portion of DRAMA here> So as far as Gavin's concerned he's bleeding to death and literally dying. Gavin started into his meltdown and had Elliott and Emmett terrified and hiding underneath a blanket on the couch with Lizze. I got Gavin settled down enough to clean up his foot and then I sent him to his room and told him to chill out for a while. Everything was cool after that. Lizze and the baby went to bed (for their late…