My 2 cents

Rob doesn't want me to stoop to ThyGuyX's level. He said that I should say my piece but not stoop that low. I'll be honest with y'all here; I don't know that I am capable of doing that. I know that of all the things I wanted my first "guest post" on Rob's blog to be about, some douche bag wasn't even on the list. Yet, here we are.   ThyGuyX, you are a douche bag. I won't refer to you with a "Mr." because that is giving you a level of respect that I don't feel you deserve. Period. You were coward enough to attack children. Yes, true, you did so through their parentage but you were attacking children nonetheless. How sad and bored you must be to sink…


IGNORANCE at it’s finest

A week or so ago I posted "PLEASE lose the word “retard” from your vocabulary". I basically asked people to lose the word "retard" their vocabulary. Now I realize there are "correct" uses for the word but I was making reference to persons with special needs. I was asking people not to use the word "retard" in reference to my kids in particular and any other person with special needs. Perhaps I've just been lucky but I have NEVER been attacked on this blog before....NEVER. That it until tonight. A someone posted the following comment in response to my blog post: "Let me get this straight... you have three retarded kids. That means that not only are you our your wife are making genetic failures, you kept right on breeding…


Happy Mother’s Day……have a meltdown with a side of drama

What Mother's Day would complete without a GYNORMOUS, "Happy Mother's Day" meltdown with a HUGE side of drama. All courtesy of Gavin. Here's what happened. Earlier today Gavin stepped on a Lego and cut his toe. It wasn't bad at all but it did bleed. Gavin DOES NOT respond well to the sight of blood. <Insert a HUGE portion of DRAMA here> So as far as Gavin's concerned he's bleeding to death and literally dying. Gavin started into his meltdown and had Elliott and Emmett terrified and hiding underneath a blanket on the couch with Lizze. I got Gavin settled down enough to clean up his foot and then I sent him to his room and told him to chill out for a while. Everything was cool after that. Lizze and the baby went to bed (for their late…


A fast train to pottyville

Emmett stayed dry ALL night long. He was in a diaper but woke me up at 6am this morning screaming "potty". I dragged myself out of bed and took him to the bathroom. He had already shed his diaper so I didn't realize it was dry until a little bit later. He still won't poop in th potty but that train will arrive a bit later.


Happy Mother’s Day 2011

It's here again already. It's Mother's Day 2011 and I wanted to take a minute and say "Thank You" to all the mother's in my life. I especially want to say happy Mother's Day to my amazing wife and mother of my kids. Lizze has been through more in her 30 years of life then most people will in their entire life and yet she never stops doing for our kids. Not only is she a mother but a "special needs mother" to 3 Autistic boys. This is a VERY special breed of mother. Only the strongest and most selfless can do the job of a "special needs mother". It's a job that most people would never apply for but she does it each and every day with grace and…


What this special needs parent wishes you knew…

I wish you knew what it was like to walk a mile in my shoes. I wish you knew the challenges I face raising a special needs family. I wish you knew that I need help even though I don't ask. I wish you knew how difficult and yet amazing my kids are. I wish you knew how a random phone call could make my day. I wish you knew how isolated and unimportant I feel. I wish you knew how tired I am. I wish you knew how much I hate being questioned, especially in front of my kids. I wish you knew how completely overwhelming life is. I wish you knew how much my kids miss you. I wish you knew how much I miss you. I wish…


Autism Support Forums

I'm building a support forum for parents, family members, friends, relatives or anyone who's life has been touched by Autism. We all need a place to go where people just "get it". A safe place to vent frustrations without fear of being judged. We need a place where we can ask questions or seek advice from the people who are going through similar things. We are all in different places and maybe even on different roads. However, we are ALL on the same journey. We all experience the highs and lows of special needs parenting. We may not be doctors or therapists but we are experienced and in the trenches every day. We CAN help each other. We can share knowledge and experience. We can ALL learn something from one another. We…

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Change of plans…..

Well the kids are all gone for now and Lizze decided on the movie Thor. We got ready, into the van and drove off. As we were driving the ABS started locking up every time I tapped the brakes. It happened every time I tried to stop the van. So we had to turn around and limp back home. I think I can pull the fuse and disable the ABS but it's raining and Lizze already went to sleep. I suppose that everything happens for a reason but I was really hoping to give her some "normalcy". Guess that will be put on hold once again....