When it rains……

When it rains it pours. We've all heard that one before. At the Lost and Tired house, however, it goes more like this: "when it rains it pours....inside our house". Apparently the gutters on the 3rd floor must be clogged again because it's raining inside the house. The water runs over the gutters and down the outside of the house (you know, path of least resistance and all) and into our living room through the windows and around the windows. Have I mentioned before just how much I love this house? Just in case it didn't translate well online, that was total sarcasm. The boys had great days at school today so that was AWESOME. I called and picked up the van today. It would otherwise be just sitting there until at least…


I want to just SCREAM……

So the Van broke down AGAIN the other day only this time it was a really bad situation and ended up being pretty dangerous not only for us but all the stupid people that didn't know what hazard lights mean on a STRANDED vehicle. We had to get a police escort in order to push the van out of construction and into a parking lot so we could safely get the kids out and have it towed. We had the van towed to the AWESOME guys down at Waterloo Transmission. The have had the van for going on two days now and would you believe the van has NOT shown a single problem. They tested the fuel pump as well and it never failed or even showed signs of weakness.…


Surviving the chaos..

I met with Gavin and Elliott psychologist, Dr. Patti last night. We were discussing Gavin's recent esculation in the self-injury department and the impact it's having on everyone in the house. Gavin and Elliott were playing while we were talking. After we spoke Dr. Pattie was playing Candy Land with the boys and just talking to them. Gavin was basically playing the game by himself because he was simply taking everyone else's turn despite being correct several times. After a few rounds of Candy Land, Dr. Patti said the game was over and came back over to talk to me. Gavin continued to play and was getting annoyed that no one was taking their turn. I looked at Gavin and asked him "what did Dr. Patti just say to you?". Gavin…


Some random off topic…ness

This is WAY off topic but I thought I would share anyways. As some of you know and others will be learning for the first time, we haven't had TV for years now. It was one of the sacrifices that we had to make in order to moving forward. We stream Netflix or Hulu and that's about it. Recently, Lizze and I began watching the "Lost" series. We had boxset so we were able to watch it start to finish on our time frame. Pretty soon we were cramming in as many episodes every night as possible. It took us about a month to actually finish all 6 seasons but man was it worth it. I have NEVER been so taken in by a TV series EVER. "Lost" had a way of…


I just don’t get it…..why?

I feel like we are a "good" family. I feel like we have a great deal of challenge in our lives. What I don't really get is why we just can't catch a break. I spent yesterday driving all over to get the kids everywhere they needed to go. We ended our day at the doctors getting Gavin's blood work done for this week. On the way home I pulled up to an intersection under construction. I was getting ready to turn right and head home. This intersection is all torn up and the right hand lane I was turning into is VERY narrow at the moment due to the construction. As I was making my right hand turn the van "shook" and then died. It wouldn't start again. I…


I shouldn’t be so quick to judge….

The other night I posted about a very hurtful comment someone made about my family. You can read that here. I received a message this morning and this is what it said:   From Rockwood: "I'm not sure where to put this, so I'm just going to place it here. I'm the sister of ThyGuyX and I'm again horrified to see what he has said here. We were informed that this was happening this morning by a friend who stumbled upon a alarming rant my brother left on a forum he frequents. I can't begin to apologize for the actions of my brother, just as I can't begin for the other sites we found in his web history. The only consolation I can give you is that he will never…


Autism, self-injury and “outside the box” thinking.

Most of you are aware by now that Gavin is REALLY struggling with self-injury. What set's Gavin apart from some other kids on the spectrum is that his self-injury is a choice and not a compulsion. By choice, I mean he does it as a means of manipulating a situation. The is simply a fact and not really open to interpretation. Some people may not agree with that but it has been PROVEN time and time again. If Gavin were an only child then it would be more easily dealt with but because he's not a only child we are presented with a major problem. In many ways Gavin has more influence over Elliott and Emmett then we do. They WORSHIP him and model their behavior after him. This is where we…


It’s just me…

Here is a random picture of me. This was taken by Lizze after the migraine meds kicked in while we were at the ER the other day. Just thought I would post a pic of myself since I never do that.

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