Clozapine: Week 5

Gavin will be starting week 5 of his new meds. They seem to be helping so far, however, the bipolar side of things is out of whack. Meaning he is manic. He had a rough time with today's blood work but still worlds ahead of where he was this time last year. Great job Gavin, we're proud of you. Posted on the go without the use of proper editing tools via Nexus S 4G

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Hanging out with Elliott

Elliott is home kinda sick again today.  He has a very LOUD, very croupy cough. It's a bit to much for him to have while in class so we have some new cough medicine we are trying today to see if it helps. All goes well he can return in the morning on Thursday. Lizze is asleep with Emmett and Elliott and I are building with Lego's. I've been so stressed out as of late that I have been getting sick after I eat so I'm still "recovering: from breakfast. In a little bit I have to go run some errands before picking up Gavin and taking him for blood work. For now Elliott and I are making some Lego creations. :)  

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Should my kids exist?

Should my kids exist....really? Has everyone lost their mind or just sensitivity? Why are people questioning that? This has been eating away at me for the past week now. I try to let the unpleasant things people can say roll off of me but there are just some things I really struggle with. This past week has been a pretty rough one for me. Especially with a few unpleasant comments I have received. I know the whole "sticks and stones....." but sometimes things really do have a way of getting to me. Especially if it has to do with my family. Lately these unpleasant comments seem to center around where or not my kids should exist. A few days ago, I "debated" with someone who offered me their unsolicited opinion.…


Yes…It’s been that kind of day…

Apparently in our quest to get Emmett to eat "anything" we stumbled across something that will forever more be permanently banned from our grocery list. Yes...that's right.. I'm talking about you generic fruit loops. You will never again find home here at the Lost and Tired house. I have pulled in the welcome mat and changed the locks.  You will be saved for our next trip to feed the ducks. Just look at what you did to Emmett....... This went on for about 20 minutes before I got the idea to record it. So yes, it's been that kind of day. [youtube][/youtube]      


Possible medication problems….

Gavin is going on his 5th week of Clozapine now for Schizoaffective disorder. We are starting to see "potential" problems now that may or may not be related to the medications. Gavin has been having "accidents" at night lately. This is not normal for him and so it's concerning for us. I'm wondering if he is just so sedated by the meds that he just dosen't wake himself up to go to the bathroom. He was sick last night and puked up his dinner and night time meds but was then fine. So we aren't sure what that was all about. We suspect that it's more of the "bowel" issues again. He says he hasn't eaten any "nonfood" items lately. But that I his standard answer for when we ask…


So I had this idea…..Android and Autism

Autism and Android   So perhaps you are already aware and perhaps you aren't but I develop on Android smartphones, specifically the Epic 4G from Sprint. My ROM's are pretty popular and you can view them here on my Android Development page. I use these ROM's and the attention they create to spread Autism Awareness through out the Android community. You would be amazed at just how much Autism Awareness has taken root within the community. I have mentioned before that I use Android devices to help Emmett communicate. It works really well and gives us another means of bridging the communication gap. Now here is my idea. I'm thinking about trying to set up a program in which I can take donated Android devices and turn them into a means of communication…


Things accomplished

This has been a fairly productive weekend so far. My dad came over and helped me get the gutters cleaned out so it no longer rained inside our house. Since I hurt my back I haven't been able to work off a ladder so my dad laddered the house and emptied out the gutters for me. I got some work done inside the house as well. I did a few loads of laundry and cleaned out the cats litter box. I also did some dishes and scrubbed the stove. I vacuumed the pet hair and even brushed Maggie. Lizze's parents to Elliott last night so he could get out odd the chaos for a while. I still have to scrub the bathroom floor and that will be it for today.…


I need your help..PLEASE

In my never ending quest to spread Autism Awareness and advocate for special needs parents I have started something that I NEED ALL your help with. I have made my feeling pretty clear about the use of the word "retard" to describe special needs children or other persons with special needs. I'm not going to go into all the reasons why I think this word is degrading,offensive, ignorant and inaccurate. You can read my original post here. Some of the responses I have received disturbed me a bit. Several people have suggested that because it is still a "medical" term then it's "ok" to use. I disagree completely. I think that it's outdated and inaccurate and we need to remove that word from medical terminology as well. There are many other words…