Waiting: Is it chicken pox?

We are at the Dr.H's office to find out whether or not this is chicken pox. As it turns out, Elliott was due for his 2nd chicken pox vaccine in March. However, because he has been sick, it keeps getting pushed back. So he most likely won't get it today either. So we have a return visit as soon as he gets better.

Read more about the article Pills and Politics: My CNN interview
My CNN Interview

Pills and Politics: My CNN interview

Little people, lots of pills: Experts debate medicating kids by Madison Park Hey everyone. I wanted to share the story I was interviewed for by CNN. It's about medicating children and as many of you are aware, Gavin is a perfect example of children that NEED medication. While reading this it's VERY important to keep in mind that Gavin is an extreme case. MOST children will never need this amount of medication but some will. With Gavin, we have an army of top specialists for everything. Everyone works together for Gavin's best interest. It's also VERY important to understand that Gavin is medicated for his benefit and quality of life. While it does make life easier for everyone, Gavin's safety (as well his younger brothers) and quality is our paramount…

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OMG… That did not just happen..

Warning: This post is gross.. Emmett wasn't feeling good, as I had stated in earlier posts. He was sleeping with us tonight instead of his little bed on the other side of the room. Lizze was having a tough time sleeping so she was streaming Netflix on her phone and working on her blog. She had apparently, just given Emmett something for his fever and ran downstairs to fill his sippy with Gatorade. I was half out of it. Well...really..mostly out of it. Next thing I know I'm covered in everything Emmett had eaten today. That's right folks, he puked ALL over me. After giving him a bath and cleaning myself up, Lizze and I each have a couch with Emmett bouncing back and forth between. Did I say it's…

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The week ahead…..

The week ahead is going to be full of new challenges for us. Lizze has her infusion therapy on Tues, Wed and Thurs of this week. Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to juggle all of this on my own. Lizze will probably spend most of the week in bed, sleeping. Hopefully, this will finally break her 2 month old migraine. Elliott and Emmett are both sick and Gavin is definately struggling right now....so....I'm not sure how all that going to go. Gavin has a field trip on Thursday to the McKinley Museum and I may not be able to make it now with all Lizze has this week and the boys being sick. Emmett and the other boys all have appointments through out the week as well, so…


A Loving Lampposts GIVEAWAY

LostandTired.com has partnered with Cinema Libre Studio to give away a FREE copy of the award winning film, Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic by Todd Drezner. Here is how we are going to play this game. I'm going to keep it VERY simple (for my benefit). All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. As EVERYONE will get ONE entry per comment. Comment as many times as you would like. I said I was keeping this simple....remember. The winner will be selected at random via Pick Giveaway Plugin for Wordpress. Also please feel free to "Like" my blog. The "Like" button is on the top right. This contest will run from the time this posts until Friday , May 27th @ 8pm. The winner will be announced in…


This one’s for you……Hugh

Hugh, this one is a bit older but one of my VERY favorites. I'm not sure if you have seen this but I thought you might like this one as much as I do. Emmett really likes to use the Kinect on our Xbox 360. He likes to make the people on the screen move my dancing and being silly in front of the camera. I hope you enjoy this one. :)   [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoLskUKxA5s[/youtube]


We now have 2 sickies…..

As I explained eariler, Elliott has what looks like the start of chicken pox. We had to cancel his party plans just in case he does turn out to be contagious. Not one for being out done, Emmett spiked a fever this afternoon of almost 102F. He has been VERY cranky and outwardly aggressive today. We need to get through this quickly because Lizze has her infusion therapy this week. She has waited a month for this and we need to make sure it happens. For those not familiar with our story, Lizze has had a severe migraine for almost 2 months now. The infusion therapy is an IV drip of a cocktail of meds. This is done over 3 days at 6 hrs per day in an attempt to…


Another day another adventure….

Lizze let me sleep in this morning :) She's not feeling well so I know it wasn't easy. Thanks honey. Gavin is already struggling today. I was up for 15 minutes and already had a Gavin situation to deal with. It's going to be one of those days. I can already feel it. Gavin "seems" to be unable to remember anything anymore. I say "seems" because I'm not convinced this is not manipulation or his way of trying to avoid the consequences of his actions. I find it difficult to believe that he conveniently doesn't remember if it means he did something wrong. It feels more like manipulation to me. What really makes it tough is that we don't punish for things outside of his control. I'm sure he's picked…