Blood work here we come

On our way to get Gavin's weekly blood work done. This time we are also looking at Lithium levels as well. We just need to make sure we are good there because we are seeing some cycling. Posted from WordPress for Android

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A Clozapine review

Gavin and I are at Dr. R's. We are following up on the Clozapine and reviewing Gavin's progress. While I completely agree with the medications I do have my concerns. Gavin's chest pain for one. Most likely nothing, but it could also be related to the Clozapine. Gavin is also still forgetting things more frequently now. However, the hallucinations seemed to have stopped and that's a GOOD thing. Posted from WordPress for Android


Just heard from Lizze

Lizze just woke up and sent me a message saying see was almost done. Her dad is picking her up at 1pm to bring her home. I have no idea how it went and I'm anxiously awaiting news on that subject. She hasn't replied to any of my texts yet. She may have passed out again or is talking with the doctor. Either way she should be home within the hour. I'll let you all know how it soon as I know. Posted from WordPress for Android via Autism Aware, midNIGHT powered Epic 4G by Sprint


Emmett: Hard at work

Emmett is already hard at work. He's learning his shapes and colors. All while improving his fine motor skills. He LOVES the Android app "Kids Shape Puzzle". It's free on the market but he went through that one pretty quick so I got him the paid version for like $3.00. Basically, Emmett get the outline of a shape, along with the outlines of the pieces making up the shape (if that makes sense). When he drags the pieces over to the correct place, they "snap" into place with sound while the device vibrates. Emmett LOVES this part cause he knows he did something right. When the puzzle is completed, a voice tells him "great job" and then says the name of the shape, for example, "horse". Then Emmett actually tries…

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Feeling a bit helpless

Lizze just sent me a text. She said one of the medications they gave her made her migraine shoot from an 8 to a 12. She didn't say what it was but she did say she was supposed to get it again in a few minutes. I really wish I could be there. I hate that she's suffering alone.


My 2 little sickies…

We just got back from dropping Gavin off at school. We even took Maggie along for the ride. Emmett really got a kick out of having Maggie in the van with him. I'm going to "try" to accomplish some things today. "Try" being the key word there. Emmett and Elliott are both settled in and watching Netflix. Yes, Emmett is eating his sucker but he got that for pooping in the potty. I figured I'd head that one off. So no, we don't usually feed the kids suckers for breakfast but we have to keep up the routine of using the potty and I'm by myself this week. So whatever it takes to make it through...right?


Tough week ahead..

I'm in for a pretty tough week ahead. While Lizze is getting the help she needs for her migraine I'll be looking after the kids. So far Gavin is the only one not sick. Emmett has been is "rare form" lately and so I already know my hands will be full. My only hope is that this infusion works and Lizze will be able to come home and relieve me so I can rest up a bit. We had several appointments this week, all the kids current therapies, an appointment at Akron Children's and one at the Cleveland Clinic. We made the choice to reschedule those in order to ensure Lizze gets this procedure done. Sometimes we have to put oursleves first as means of putting the kids first. If…


It’s an early start to a busy day

I got Lizze up this morning about 6:30am. Her mom was picking her up to take her to her infusion this morning. The kids are sick and so it worked out better this way. I wish I could be there with her but these guys need me home. Lizze will be hooked up to an IV for about 6 hours this morning. They will be pushing a combination of medications that we hope will finally break her 2 month old migraine. The process will repeat for 3 days and hopefully by the end of the 3rd day the migraine will be gone. I simply can't imagine what she must be going through. I deal with chronic pain as well but no where near the extent that she does. I truly…