The end of early intervention

Emmett ages out of early intervention this month. So we are in a transition period right now. I had to meet with Canton City Schools child psychologist today. Canton City School's is responsible for Emmett and ALL other kids in their district. You may recall our experience with the Canton City School system with Gavin. To say Gavin's experience with Canton City School's was bad is like saying the Grand Canyon is just a ditch. Gavin's exeperience was HORRIBLE and abusive. Needless to say I was less than excited to meet with them today to discuss Emmett's future. However, I must admitt, that I was impressed today. We clearly got shafted when Gavin was there and things seem to be different now. Emmett also did really well today. He wore…


The van “situation”

As many of you know this van has been the bane of my existence for almost a year now. After a BRAND NEW transmission (within the first month of owning the van) new front and rear subframes, deep engine work, 6 vacuum leaks, a tune up, new intake, new tie rods, one flatbed and 3 tow's later she's almost fixed. I heard back from Andy at Waterloo Transmission this afternoon. After having the van a week and unsuccessfully reproducing the issues it finally happened.  The van FINALLY stalled for them today. Our suspicions were correct and it was the fuel pump that was intermittently failing.  We were pretty sure that was the problem but it's about an $800 repair so they wanted to be sure before we incurred that cost. It performed FLAWLESSLY for the…


Today’s agenda

Today is one of those days where I know ahead of time just how bad it's gonna be. We have 2 very important meetings today. One in Akron for Gavin and one at Eastgate for Emmett. They also happen to overlap and so we are forced to be in 2 places at the same time. We'll have to divide and conquer today in order to accomplish everything we need to. Lizze is going to Akron with my mom and I'm meeting with Emmett's school. So both of us are running around like crazy today. The stress is getting to Lizze and her migraine is back with avengence. For anyone thinking that taking your child to a psychiatric hospital for admittance makes your life easier.....think again. If anything, things become more…


My journey to find lunch

Here are some random pictures of Akron Children's Hospital. This really is a cool hospital. I took these pictures on the journey get lunch. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


So what is happening?

Alright, so a lot happened yesterday. I figured now that the dust is settling I could kinda recap what took place yesterday. Basically, Gavin began hurting himself again on Wednesday morning. In doing so, he violated his behavioral contract he agreed to on Sunday night at Akron Children's Hospital. We returned to Akron yesterday morning as per the instructions given to us on Sunday. We spent about 8 hours being interviewed and processed. Gavin was admitted because he was a danger to himself and a danger to his younger brothers by his example. While this is the outcome we were hoping for it's bitter sweet. I say bitter sweet because this was a last resort and we don't feel good about not being able to help him at home. However, he is…


Gavin is getting admitted

Gavin is getting admitted. Still waiting for the details. I'll have more information later. Right now we are waiting to go upstairs. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


A bit of random Elliott….

Last night while at therapy Elliott was extra cute and I thought I would lighten the mood for a bit and share them. He is just to stinkin' adorable. He wanted to pose for the camera a few times and I promised him I would share them with all of you. Please enjoy the cuteness compliments of Elliott Richard. :) - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


The doctor has come and gone

The doctor has come and gone. He seemed to take us least I think he did. Gavin "may" actually get admitted this time. Just so I'm VERY clear, we aren't looking to dump Gavin off but instead first d him so desperately needed help or intervention. If he gets admitted he will get the constant individualized attention he needs to "maybe" work through this. The change of environment may be helpful as well. Please keep you fingers crossed..... - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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