Emmett “helping” Daddy

Can you spot how Emmett "helped" me in this picture. I try to involve the boys in much of what I do. Emmett likes to be Daddy's little helper. This is a result of Emmett "helping" when Daddy isn't looking. No harm done. Plus he was really proud of himself. Oh...and if you can't figure out what's wrong with this picture, Emmett jammed 2 hard drive mounting screws into the top of the tower binding the fan and forcing it to stop. I caught it pretty quick so everything is ok. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Trip to the playground

Today has been am exceptionally trying day. Things we getting pretty ugly so I decided intervene before things got any worse. I packed everyone up and we headed off to Elliot's school or what used to be his school and we all played on the play ground. The kids had a lot of fun. Even Gavin did pretty well. When we got home we had a little cook out and ate in front of the TV on a little picnic table. We put on some Netflix and relaxed until bedtime. Just a shot of normalcy. It doesn't last long but it's nice while it does.  


What is “success”?

While reflecting on this experience with Emmett in the previous post, I started thinking about this whole "can an Autistic child be successful?" thing. I think maybe we been overlooking the obvious here. Missing the forest for the trees...if you will. We get so caught up in the debate that we can't see what's happening right in front of our own eyes. Whether or not a child with Autism becomes rich and famous has NO Impact on them being successful. The life of an Autistic child, while full of challenges, SHOULD be the standard from which we gauge what success really is. Some people will never understand this but as challenging as it can be raising a child with Autism, imagine BEING a child with Autism.. An Autistic child overcomes obstacles each…


Autistic children CAN do great things

Lately, I have been approached by people sharing their views about kids with Autism and Autism in general. Many positive or at least realistic but also some extremely negative. The one I would like to address this morning, once again, is whether or not a child with Autism can ever amount to anything or be successful in life. Success is a relative term and so everyone has a different definition of what success is. Success becomes even more difficult to define when we are talking about a child with Autism. Autistic children kinda live life "outside the box". So the standards that we, as society, use to base success on simply don't apply here. Societies definition of success tends to gravitate towards things like money, power and fame. While those…


I’m losing my mind

I love my family unconditionally. I truly mean that. Sometimes, though everything is just to much. As the only "typical" person in the house, I find myself, at times, the "odd man out". I'm a gifted communicated. I can talk to anyone about anything and not have any problems. However, when it comes to my family, I struggle to the point of utter frustration. Everyone, including Lizze,  requires a different approach when it comes to communication. This is really the only "issue" Lizze and I ever really have. Considering everything we have been through over the last 10 year's, I'm actually quite proud of that. The frustration for me is that I can never just "talk" to anyone in this house. Everyone requires a concerted effort on my part to…


Advice is needed..

As you may or may not be aware, I have added an Autism and Special Needs Parenting Support Group to this blog. Kellie has posted a question and is seeking some advice from the community. She is facing the challenge of dealing with anti-social behavior and is wondering how others in the community deal with this type of aggressive behavior? Please take a second, sign up for the group and share your experience and or advice. I would be very interested to see what everyone's experience is with this type of behavior and I know Kellie would love the help. The actual post can here found here Lost and Tired's Autism Support is found at http://lostandtired.com/autismsupport of by click this link.   Thanks everyone.. :)


The silence is deafening

A few posts back I was discussing the differences between Aspergers and Autism. I was sharing how profoundly different it it to raise a child with Autism as apposed to Aspergers. My experience today is a PERFECT example of what I mean. Emmett has been running a fever the past few days. Since yesterday, he has been acting like he's in pain. The problem is that he can't tell us if he is. Lizze and I thought maybe he had a toothache or maybe his throat hurt but we weren't sure. When your child can't communicate it's a truly helpless feeling. When you think your child is in pain but they just can't tell you, it's heartbreaking. In Emmett's case, it turned out to be a sore throat. One of the major challenges…


A summer of therapy

As if we weren't busy enough already,  we now have therapies EVERY SINGLE day of the week. Gavin is restarting OT as well. Actually, Gavin started OT yesterday. Gavin used to be in speech, OT and PT until he was simply to violent. However, Gavin gets those every week at school anyway so all that happened was we were no longer doubling up. The problem is that Gavin is regressing in these areas and since school is out for the summer he would be without these therapies all together. So we had Gavin "re-evaluated". Turns out Gavin's muscle tone is actually worse then Emmett's. Emmett's is so bad that Eastgate says he needs braces on his lower legs and ankles. I think I forgot to mention that before (I'll touch…