Why Autism is SO challenging for us

Autism is challenging for us on many levels. However, I want to focus on one area for this post. As many of you know Gavin is chocked full of challenges. He has also been experiencing these bouts of "pain" that no one can seem to explain. The latest of which was earlier this week with the pain in his lower right quadrant. We almost took him to the emergency room but the pain magically disappeared. So we opted instead, to see his pediatrician, again, for an eval and advice. He ran a battery of tests to try and identify an potential problems and suspected his gallbladder may be the problem. Well, we had the final test done very early this morning and it appears that gallstones are NOT the problem. We…


Gavin gets a Ultrasound

In about 4 hours from the time of the post being published, Gavin will be having a ultrasound. They will be looking for Gall stones, at least I think that's what they are looking for.  Dr. H is concerned that this random pain is Gallbladder related. The ultrasound is non-invasive so Gavin should handle everything pretty well. I would be nice to know what the heck is going on with him. Please say a prayer that everything is ok. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Getting Fit4Autism

One of the things that parents of Autistic children do very often is forget to take care of themselves. So I started a team on Endomondo called Fit4Autism. If you have a smart phone chances are you can download the Endomondo app. Check out my Fit4Autism page at the top for details on how to sign up. The team consists of people from around the world. We have runners, walkers, hikers, bikers, swimmers ect. We all track everything we do both big and small and it adds to the total number of miles the team as a whole has accumulated. We are racking up miles to raise Autism Awareness. It doesn't matter what your contribution it because the whole point is to get in better shape so we can be…


Lost and Tired is finally on the map….

Lost and Tired is finally on the map....Google maps that is. I was sitting in my living room and thought I saw something driving by. I grabbed my camera and went outside. Sure enough it was Google, out taking "Street View" pictures for Google maps and Navigation. Well the "Street View" you'll see when looking up my address will show me standing in the front yard pointing my Nexus S 4G by Google at whoever is looking at it. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tk3AqeqfGY[/youtube]     Just thought it was kinda cool to actually see it in real life.


Emmett LOVES fish

Emmett, apparently LOVES fish. He went from tank to tank to tank. He was just fascinated by them. We might have to get a little 10 gallon setup at some point. I thought I would share a couple of pics from the pet store. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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oh no he didn’t……

Oh yes he did!!!!!   As if today wasn't stressful enough already. Gavin had to go and press the "let's see how high we can get daddy's blood pressure before he strokes out" button. I swear, I love Gavin but sometimes I just know he's going to be the death of me. In a bold and beyond dangerous move tonight, Gavin decided that he would go and take his medicine ALL BY HIMSELF.... Without Lizze or I giving it to him. He has NEVER done that before and appeared shocked and dismayed as to why on earth I would be upset with him for doing that. AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH...... What was he thinking? There is a reason we keep them where we do. Clearly he wasn't thinking. This is a really bug deal because…


So….what happened to Gavin?

Dr. H saw Gavin this morning. As Gavin is "symptom free" it's tough to know for sure. He's running a ton of tests to make sure everything is ok. He suspects that if it's anything that maybe it's his gallbladder. So Gavin has an ultrasound on Thursday morning to check everything out. Gavin has been just fine all day now so who knows what's going on. Lizze is really struggling right now so I didn't get a chance to update the blog yet. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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I gonna be really honest, this week hasn't started out well and doesn't seem to be improving at all. I posted this morning about Gavin coming home, sick and in pain. We were all set to take him to Akron Children's because Gavin appeared to be on his "death bed" for lack of better terms. We wanted to get him ANY and ALL help we could. We canceled ALL of Emmett's VERY important appointments in order to help Gavin. I was sleeping when Gavin got home (Thanks Lizze). When this was brought to my attention I went to check on him in his room. I was a medic for a long time and I have cared for countless patients. I learned to tell the difference real pain and drama. With…