Got a nice little present from Sprint

Tonight UPS showed up bearing a gift from Sprint. We have been having signal issues lately while in our house. Nothing really bad just some echo and poor data speeds. In an effort to ensure my continued satisfaction, they sent me this nice little surprise, free of charge. This is called the Airvana Access Point. Basically it's my own personal cell phone tower. Needless to say the problems have been resolved. We have perfect signal now anywhere in my house and in the yard. So this is.probably the highlight of the day for me. So THANK YOU Sprint for stepping up and addressing the problems we were having in a very big way. I'm quite impressed.......  


The interview room

This is where I'm sitting waiting for Gavin's exit interview and discharge. Kind of a blah room but I suppose it serves a purpose. Been waiting for a few minutes so J thought I would give a bit more insight to those that have never experienced this. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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Gavin Crisis: 6/21/2011

Gavin is being released. Lizze is on her way with my mom to take the boys to the dentist. I will be leaving shortly to go pickup Gavin. My understanding, not having actually talked to Gavin about it yet, is that this was NOT fun. He didn't get to control ANYTHING. That in and of itself is a sure fire way to strip all the fun out of it for Gavin. He will be coming home, hopefully, with a much better understanding of what will happen if he continues to hurt himself. All that aside, it will be nice to have him home. I'm anxious to see the impact this experience has had on him. I'm anxious to try new approaches and suggestions as well. We have a very long…


Sensory issues

Does anyone else have a child that will dress VERY inappropriately for the current weather condidtions? Gavin is the only one that seems to struggle with this. I took this pic on Friday and it was VERY warm out. WAY to warm to be wearing layers. How do you guys respond to or otherwise address these situations? Please share with the class. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Mommy and Emmett

I love these moments. The days are so chaotic and overwhelming. I think these moments are going to be the ones that I miss the most. Life passes us ALL by so very quickly. Please take advantage of the time you have and seize these moments. It will be one of those things you carry with you through all the hard times.  :) - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Gavin Crisis 6/20/2011

Lizze and I met with the social worker at Akron Children's Hospital this morning. Over all I feel it was a positive experience. They are still hung up on the oatmeal "issue" but they'll just have to get over it. They have Gavin in the "FYI" program, don't ask cause I don't know what "FYI" stands for. Basically, they have removed almost all social interaction and his time is literally spent reading and doing work. Gavin has spent the entire time trying to manipulate his way out of this "FYI" program and the doctors and staff simply aren't having it. So kudos to them. They said Gavin needs to have in-home behavioral therapy on top of everything else. The don't like the fact the oatmeal is the only form of punishment he…