Fighting for your child’s rights

I want to start out by saying that i'm doing a whole lot of venting here so if I come off a bit abrasive, that's why. Today started off in a fairly typical manner. That was about to change. Gavin is struggling right now. While he is VERY capable of making good choices, he is simply making bad ones. I honestly don't know what his motives are but something more is going on here. This morning, we had Emmett's IEP meeting at Eastgate. The meeting was scheduled for 12:00pm and there was 8 or 9 people involved. Gavin was having a rough morning and his actions resulted in Elliott getting hurt, nothing serious but that isn't the point. Around 11:00 am this morning, Lizze was napping with Emmett. Gavin came downstairs and…


Worst day ever

I don't have a whole lot of time right now to get into to this but today involved tooth pulling, late meetings, broken vans, IEP's and the realization that I'm failing on MANY levels. I plan to write a dozy of a post later tonight when the kids settle down and I get a chance to breathe. I'm gonna need to vent.....


Things don’t always go as planned

I had decided I wanted to get some video of Emmett taking his meds. He does a really good job and I thought I would share it with you all. All he takes is Nexium and Zyrtec for allergies but still I'm quite proud of him for how well he does taking his meds. Anyway, back to the point. So I decided I would film him taking his meds this morning. Everything was going well until Emmett realized he was on camera. Camera + Emmett = "HAM"....... What I actually caught was Emmett goofing around. This almost NEVER happens. While this wasn't what I had set out to do I'm glad I was able to capture this very unexpected moment. Normally Emmett takes his meds and is on his way. Today was…


With Autism it’s the “little things”

When I became a special needs parent many years ago i lwarned two things. First I learned to NEVER to never take things for granted. The second thing I learned was to truly appreciate the little things. Most people will see these pictures and think, so what. However, this is much bigger "so what". Elliott, RARELY ever tries new things. Today Elliott had peanut butter and jelly. This is beyond a rare occasion, in fact I have NEVER seen him do this. Not only was it peanut butter and jelly but it was on whole grain bread. As a parent experienced in the ways of Autism, I have learned to truly appreciate these deceivingly "little" moments for the oftentimes much "bigger" steps forward they actually are. - Lost and Tired…


The price of pulling teeth

One of the concerns we had with Gavin leading up to his last stay at ACH was the fact that he was pulling his teeth out. One of the doctors pointed out something I hadn't thought of. Since Gavin has pulled so many teeth out before they were ready and there are no adult teeth yet to fill in the gaps, his teeth may start to shift. Basically, if he didn't need braces before he most likely will now. That will be an out of pocket expense, from what I understand. This is just one of the many ways we are effected by these behaviors. Oh...and he "lost" one more tooth while he was there. Sometimes I just get so tired of these "choices" Gavin makes.  - Lost and Tired…


Gavin Crisis: 6/22/2011

Gavin came home this afternoon. The staff didn't really have much to say with the exception of warning Gavin, in no uncertain terms, that if he returns again it will be even less fun then it was this time. Gavin didn't seem to bothered by that warning. I made sure, as difficult as it was, that we weren't overly excited to have Gavin home. I wanted him to realize that life went on while he was gone. I wanted to make sure we saw this through to the end. He's doing pretty well. We've had a few problems but nothing major. All in all, I think this has been a positive outcome. I want to thank you all for your support during this difficult time. I hope that by sharing…


Got a nice little present from Sprint

Tonight UPS showed up bearing a gift from Sprint. We have been having signal issues lately while in our house. Nothing really bad just some echo and poor data speeds. In an effort to ensure my continued satisfaction, they sent me this nice little surprise, free of charge. This is called the Airvana Access Point. Basically it's my own personal cell phone tower. Needless to say the problems have been resolved. We have perfect signal now anywhere in my house and in the yard. So this is.probably the highlight of the day for me. So THANK YOU Sprint for stepping up and addressing the problems we were having in a very big way. I'm quite impressed.......  


The interview room

This is where I'm sitting waiting for Gavin's exit interview and discharge. Kind of a blah room but I suppose it serves a purpose. Been waiting for a few minutes so J thought I would give a bit more insight to those that have never experienced this. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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