Elliott LOVES his Android4Autism device

Elliott LOVES his Android4Autism device. He uses an Epic 4G by Samsung. He took it with us to document our explorations today. He shot like 20 mins of video. It's actually really cute. He shot a lot of ground and some of his hand but he really enjoyed himself. He was really angry because "someone is killing the pond" as he put it. He's referring to all the trash filling up the pond and the area around it. He wants to know what we can do about it. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Tree fort

Elliott and I went "exploring" today. We eventually met up with Gavin and they decided that this tree was really cool. Elliott wants to grow one in our yard. It was a good time and the boys had fun.......so did I. :)   [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Uz4v1NFKQ[/youtube]


Elliott and the ducks

I took Elliott to the park to explore. Lizze and the baby were sleeping and Gavin was with Uncle Tim. we started out by feeding the ducks and geese. It was a bit overwhelming cause there was 50 of them surrounding us. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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Collateral damage

The other day I wrote about Elliott getting hurt twice due to Gavin's choices. This was the first time Elliott was hurt. The story wasn't very clear other then Gavin freaking out and Elliott calmly telling us what happened from his perspective. We got nothing from Gavin accept him confirming how Elliott got hurt. He never folds us why this happened. Apparently they we all goofing around upstairs. Gavin told Elliott to sit on his back, so Elliott did just that. Then for some reason Gavin flung him off and Elliott hit his face on something. That really all we know. Based on Gavin's reaction to being questioned it appears as though he was in the wrong. We told them to be more careful and had Gavin take a break.…


Elliott being goofy

Earlier this week while seeing Dr. Patti, Elliott was being goofy. He has this thing for turning everything into a hat. I say, hey whatever keeps him smiling..... - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Gavin has plans

My little brother called me and wants to take Gavin for some one on one time. He going to take him hiking and maybe see some caves in the morning. Tim (my brother) is pretty excited. I think this will be a great experience for both of them. They are packing a lunch and will eat it on the trail.  Gavin will be picked up around 9am and will be back sometime in the afternoon. He'll be just fine.. Wait am I telling you that or myself? - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


When right or wrong isn’t clear

Lizze has really been going through a rough time and with the kids in constant need of my attention, she often times takes a back burner. It's one of those situations where there's no clear cut right or wrong answer. We have always said the kids come first no matter what but sometimes I wonder if that's always the right approach. I see it two ways, the kids need me ALL the time so that's extremely important. However, the boys need their mother and that's extremely important as well. I want to be there more for Lizze, it's just really difficult with all the other daily demands and unique needs of the boys. At the same time, doesn't it make sense that taking time away from them and giving it…



Special needs parenting is tough. I have to honestly say that it's easily the most difficult task I have ever set out to do. What I have been seeing a lot of lately is that I'm spread way to thin. I'm trying to take care of so many different things all at once that I can't get any done right. Does that make sense? I don't know how the single parents out there, do this. I have nothing but respect for all  you. I find myself failing at a lot of things lately and I think that's because I just can't keep up with the demand anymore. As Lizze's health continues to decline I find myself trying to fill her shoes and keep up with everything else. Just as an…