Let there be cake 6/26/2011

Emmett has been really excited about his birthday cake all weekend. The moment finally arrived and he was really excited. This was the only, relatively, Emmett friendly birthday cake I could find. So flowers it is :-) - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Emmett’s birthday dinner

While it's pretty simple he is really enjoying it. I wish it could have more elaborate but we just can't right now. As long as he's happy, I guess that's all that matters. Happy Birthday Emmett!!!! - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Seriously stressed….. An honesty post

Alright, I'm really just kinda laying it all out there on this one. About 12 years ago I started getting these little red bumps. I believe they are called cherry hemangioma and are basically capillaries that penetrate the skin and form these little red harmless bumps. I first noticed them while in medic school about 12 years ago. My doctors have all said harmless and not to worry. I have noticed that lately I'm getting more and more of these things.  Many are just tiny little pinhead size dots. I've been reading that these can be casued by many things but no one knows for sure. Three things concern me with these and honestly, I'm thinking about it all the time, which isn't good. I know it's cause I'm stressed…


Happy Birthday Emmett

My little Emmett John turned 3 years old this morning. While challenging, he is a ginormous blessing. I not sure what we have planned today yet but it will probably be low key and sensory friendly. If not then he won't enjoy himself as it will cause more harm then good. Emmett we LOVE you and are SO proud of who you are becoming. You have made so much progress this year and together we will continue this trend. Happy Birthday to my littlest man..... <big giant hugs>  


ADHD is my new 4 letter word

In the morning Elliott goes for his ADHD evaluation. I'll be really honest with you, this scares me more the Aspergers does. We have been dealing with ASD for a very long time but ADHD is relatively new. Gavin was diagnosed a very long time ago but he doesn't seem to be struggling with it much these past couple years.. Elliott seems to be really struggling with these symptoms. As you may or may not know, Lizze has ADHD and was diagnosed as a child. She still struggles with of today. Elliott is more difficult to tell because it could also be anxiety in whole or part. Either way it becoming more and more of a problem as of late. I think that "problem" may be not be the right…


I want to do more

I want to do more with the kids. I want them to be able to socialize and have fun. Elliott, I think needs to spend as much time in a "normal" situation as possible. Emmett needs the same thing, as does Gavin. We so desperately need to move to a better neighborhood. I want my kids to spend their days outside, playing with their friends. Not cooped up in the house. I'd love to coach their soccer team or go to their little league game. I'm very motivated to get things done and free up some time and energy for these guys to have some fun. My boys deserve better and I need to figure out how to give it to them. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost…


Sleep over night

The boys wanted to have a sleep over tonight. Gavin camps out on the floor in Elliott's room and the fall asleep watching movies. - Lost and Tired Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)



I have decided to make a change in my life. I realized today that the stress I have been enduring for about the last 15 years is taking its toll on my body.  I have to figure out a better way of coping with all this stress. I figured the very least I can do right now is pick up the pace with my walking/running. Tonight I did just that and you can view that here. I shaved 10 minutes off of my time tonight. Whenever I get to tired I just push through it for my boys. Lately I have been preoccupied with my morality. I worry about the stress taking years off my life and I NEED to be there for them as long as possible. In order…