
We talk about learned behavior...right? How about Emmett puked tonight right after taking his meds. I never want to be to quick to blame Gavin but this is EXACTLY what Gavin does. Gavin will make himself vomit and does so in a very dramatic fashion as to bring as much attention to himself as possible. So Emmett has witnessed this quite a few times. Now we are dealing with Emmett running to the bathroom and sitting down in front of the toilet and making himself puke. Now if we get to him in time we can distract him and he's first e bit if we are to slow them, like tonight, he will vomit. I hate this because it just muddies the water. We don't know if he vomited because…


Change of plans tonight

Elliott and Gavin were both supposed to visit with Dr. Patties tonight. In light of Gavin's behavior today I have had to change things up. Gavin and I are going alone. This appointment WILL NOT be fun. No snacks and no prizes. We will spend the time talking about what happened and how we can help to prevent it from happening in the future. I sucks for Elliott cause he didn't do anything wrong. So I'll bring something home for Elliott. Gavin has to know this behavior is unacceptable. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can…


So how did the doctor go

So I went to the doctor today. I have been REALLY stressing out about this appointment. I thought I would share how it went. Basically, I got a clean bill of health. I lost 10 lbs this month AND my cholesterol is down almost 35 points. My HDL (good cholesterol) is still way to low but I'm wiping out the LDL so huge progress. My overall score is 180 down from 211. I also will be starting Paxil tonight as well. So everything else checked out just fine. Big relief and I feel great about the progress I've made. So thanks for all the thoughts and also for listening to be whine. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of…


HUGE meltdown 7/06/2011

I have be having to correct Gavin all morning. I'm nit talking nit picking either. Relatively major issues are the only ones we try to focus our limited resources on.  If there was ever question as to whether or not he had control over this there isn't anymore....at least for me right now. With out going into the gory details I had to intervene 4 times before Elliott actually got hurt. I was giving Gavin the benefit of the doubt and clearly that was a mistake. Elliott's fine and Gavin didn't do it on purpose but he was careless and wasn't listening. After Elliott got hurt....that was it. I had warned Gavin already that this would happen if he continued. So he was awarded oatmeal for lunch. The started to…


My appointment is soon

My doctors appointment is coming up soon. I'm actually really getting nervous. I'm not really sure why to be honest, I just am. It might be casue I never take the time to go most of the time as there is always bigger fish to fry, so to speak. That said, I am making my health, which is good, a priority going forward. I want to keep my cholesterol in check make sure that I am staying on top of the depression. It feels wrong to prioritize myself but I know it's not only best for me but it's best for my family. So this is kind of a new beginning and so I'm nervous but I really don't think I have anything to worry about......besides the change. - Lost…

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Breaking News

Lizze's Doctors are backing disability. Lizze went to her neurologist this morning as I previously posted. The topic at the appointment turned to disability. This is something we haven't discussed with the doctors until today. Her doctors are in complete support of disability for Lizze. They said that her migraines alone would qualify her in their experience. However, factoring in the fibro and everything else she has to contend with, there is no way she could work. We even spoke to her shrink and she is behind this as well. The interesting part is that because we apparently did everything right along the way, it should make the process a whole lot easier. Lizze saw the very best doctors and the right ones for what she needed. She was diagnosed…


Chillin with the boys

Lizze has an appointment this morning with her neurologist (the one for her migraines). They are going to talk about her migraines and how they are getting worse. Hopefully they can figure something out to give her some relief from her migraines. They have discussed massage therapy before she needs a new order. We need to figure something out cause she doesn't deserve to be in constant pain. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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The prize closet

Dr. Pattie has a prize closet full of cool stuff for the kids to pick from after each appointment. This is Gavin's favorite part of the session. In this picture, Gavin is choosing between 4 different Hot Wheel cars. These guys really look forward to these appointments. It's SO important for your kids to be comfortable with their therapist. It makes so many things easier. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G with out the use of proper editing tools and auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)