Autism and self-care

I have been working with Gavin for a while on personal hygiene and other self-care type things. With Autistic children this isn't always an easy task. This has been true for Gavin as well. I always have to remind him to wipe his face after eating or brushing his teeth. Well out of no where today Gavin tells me he wants to go upstairs and brush his hair. I asked him if I can take before and after pics and post them. He was quite happy to have his face plastered on the site for all to see. He was so funny cause he went upstairs and was gone for a bit. He came down and was quite proud of himself. I just had to smile because he has a…


I hate this house

I'm grateful that we have a place to live. Things could always be worse but with that said, I HATE THIS HOUSE. I'm so tired of everything falling apart, not because of the maintenance aspect but because nothing is a simple repair. Much of the plumbing and electrical work in the house is a complete disaster. Often times I have found that many of the things done to this house prior to us moving in was not done properly. The sprayer on the kitchen sink went bad and so we can't turn the water on without flooding underneath the sink. This is normally a simple repair but with my luck. The two supply lines are butted up against the bolt at the end of the hose I need to replace.…


Maggie vs cat peeing on my porch: Round 2

Sorry for all the off topic posts but this is about our lives and this is part of it right now. These damn cats are driving me crazy...yes I know it's a short trip..ha ha. Seriously, our porch smells like cat urine and the smell creeps into the house as well. This is a pain in the a$$ and there seems to be little or no recourse. I won't kill the cats as that's not something I believe in. That said, I think I'll just let Maggie have her fun. As I said, she won't hurt them but she can scare the pi$$ out of them, somewhere other then my front porch for a change.   Now this cat is clearly not that smart but it is persistent, I'll give…


Please stop “collecting” animals……

So Maggie actually got hurt because of this stupid cat. The cat was peeing on my porch and Maggie chased it away. Please stop collecting pets if your not going to take care of them. When you take a pet into your home, they become your responsibility. You can't just "release them into the wild", it doesn't work that way. It's cruel and they become a problem for everyone.  


This is what happens when you pee on my porch

We have a large, open front porch, with indoor/outdoor carpet. For years now the stray cats in the neighborhood having been peeing on the carpet. It's a horrible smell, especially when it's humid. I've bleached the porch countless times. We have never actually caught one of these cats in the act of peeing on the porch.....that is....until today.  Maggie was let outside to go potty and all the sudden went nuts. Next thing I know I hear a cat hissing and Maggie trying to get underneath the steps to the porch. Out of nowhere this cat launches itself across the porch, over our fence and into this tree. The whole thing happened in like 15 secs but it was a long time coming. Maggie woundn't have hurt the cat she…


Struggling with Autism

Emmett is our youngest of 3 boys and also Autistic. I had mentioned before that he has good days and not so good days. Today, is a not so good day. He's doing a lot of shreiking and screaming over what "appears" to be nothing. I say "appears" because we have no idea what's causing this. Emmett struggles with language and speech so he can't just tell us what's wrong. I hate assuming anything but my guess is that he's maybe over stimulated. Could be something small or it could be everything, your guess is as good as mine. The screaming though is maddening. It so high pitched it's like little pieces of glass in your brain. I don't get headaches very often but this is like instant headache. I…


Want a Google+ invite?

  If you want a Google+ invite send me an email via my contact me page. Include your gmail address and I'll do my best to get an invite out ASAP. First come first serve and I don't know how long Google will keep it open so act fast. I'm sending out hundreds of these invites right now so PLEASE return the favor and Please click the "Like" and "+1" button at the top left of this page under "Like Lost and Tired". This will help me get the word out and spread Autism Awareness to more people. It's also a great way to say thanks :-)     I have pumped out a few hundred invites so far. Please feel free to keep them coming but PLEASE follow the directions and use the "Contact…


My wife LOVES Harry Potter

Lizze is a huge Harry Potter fan and I mean HUGE. She has made it to most of the midnight movie releases. She loves watching all dress up in costumes. I thinks it's a bit weird but she has fun so more power to her. Sadly, I have been able to get her to the last 2 movies on opening night because we just couldn't afford it. She was disappointed but she understood.  It sucks because she only ever asks for one thing and that's to go to the midnight showing of each new Harry Potter movie. She was disappointed again this year because we couldn't get tickets again because we just had to many things come up. I hate seeing the disappointment in her eyes, even though she…