I wanted to say Thank you

I wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all the love and support. This is a very difficult time and it really does help to see all the kind words. I appreciate all of you. Thank you again. Please have a good night.... - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


When the light at the end of the tunnel…..is a train

I'm going to keep this pretty short as we have our hands full today. When I can, I'll do a more detailed post but for right now this is all I'm capable of. We met with the Immunologist this morning at Akron Children's Hospital. If you recall we were referred there when it was discovered that Gavin's lgM and lgG were low. We thought that the our biggest problem was going to be scratch testing. We couldn't have been more off target if we tried... We didn't understand what low meant. As it turns out Gavin lgM and lgG are extremely low. They are so low in fact that he will at least need monthly infusions going forward or we can put him on a pump and at home at…


Tomorrow is going to be a NIGHTMARE

I mentioned the other day that Gavin has an appointment with the Allergist/Immunologist tomorrow morning. We actually got the paperwork in the mail this afternoon. We glanced over it briefly, thinking we would fill it all out tonight after the kids go down for the night. One of the things we missed while glancing over the paperwork this afternoon was the paper explaining about the scratch testing they intend to do during the visit. When I read that, I immediately got sick to my stomach. I know exactly how this is going to go and it won't go well. Gavin will not like laying down on his stomach and not being able to see whats happening. They will have to do it that way because Gavin will never allow them to it…


I’m really trying to be patient

I'm going to be very honest with you all here. Even at the risk of sounding like a less than stellar father. I think that it’s a good thing to share our feelings, so I'll lead by example. All right, with that said, Gavin is driving me absolutely insane. God love him, because it isn't his fault but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. In fact it's actually worse.because of the whole guilt factor side of things. Gavin is acting more and more child-like every day. By that I mean he is literally acting like a much younger child almost like Emmett..actually. The problem aside from the obvious is that Gavin is much bigger and stronger so that complicates these tremendously. The other thing I have been…


Everyday lessons: Responsibility 8/02/2011

  Everyday  Lessons: Responsibility Even at Emmett's young age I try to incorporate every day activities into a chance to teach. Emmett has a natural love for animals, so I try to foster that love and use that as a means of learning what responsibility is. Right now I'm using Toothless  to help Emmett feel a sense of responsibility for something. Emmett absolutely loves Toothless and has been fascinated by him for a while now. I'm fostering his natural curiosity and love for animals by allowing him to help take care of Toothless. Emmett enjoys breaking up the green veggies and some of the fruits that we include in Toothless's diet. However, his favorite part is feeding him the crickets and super worms. In this video you'll see Emmett's excitement about feeding Toothless. You'll also see…


Gavin fell again tonight

Gavin fell again tonight, only this time he hurt himself. He fell and scraped his rib cage against a wooded box. Part of me feels like we should limit his movements or wrap him in bubble wrap. I know that sounds comical but I don't know what else we are supposed to be doing. Seriously, should we limit his movements? I know we can't wrap him in bubble wrap but he keeps hurting himself. I'm also concerned that he may accidentally hurt someone else. For example, today Gavin was working on his Mario story and he started dropping his pencil. While he was clumsily trying to get it, he inadvertently flung it across the room. It almost got me in the face. It was a total accident but still....we may…


The pediatrician says……

We met with Dr. H, our kids pediatrician about Gavin's sudden rash. His best guess is they are bug bites. They aren't hives or chicken pox either. He thinks Gavin just had a delayed reaction to the bug bites He also said that the ring around them isn't uncommon. We have sine cream to put on them and that's about it for now. Alright, one crisis avoided and one more to deal with. Gavin is going on Wednesday to the immunologist in Akron. Something is wrong with his immune system and we need to figure out what the heck is going on. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android via Nexus S 4G without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct.…


We are waiting at the pediatricians

Gavin is getting a bit anxious and is very uncomfortable. They put us in an isolation room because we don't know for sure what it is. I am getting more and more concerned as Gavin continues to present with new symptoms. On the plus side, because I am trying to remain more positive, the more symptoms he has perhaps the better chance we have of identifying what's going on. I'm trying to force myself to be positive, so Gavin doesn't worry and I can keep us all moving forward. I'd be lying to you all if I said it was easy to remain positive because it most definitely isn't. Hopefully we will actually get some answers today and not more questions. - Lost and Tired Post by Wordpress for Android…