We’re on a victory roll

I meant to share this the other day but with the new Gavin crisis it got lost in the shuffle. So here it is. Lizze has a thing for pens. She has hundreds of pens and markers. Each one has a special purpose. Anyway, she has this one pen with little post-its built. They are basically little strips of paper. Emmett got a hold of it and started pulling out the paper. When I caught him I got it away from him so he didn't waste the paper. If I had realized what he was doing I would have let it go. As it turns out, Emmett was using the little post-it strips to spell out his name. When I took the pen away he got upset and wiped most…


Little ripples lead to big wave

While this may not seem like a big deal to many people but I assure you it's a big deal for the Lost and Tired family. We have been struggling for a very long time with getting the kids to try new foods. They don't stray very far from chicken nuggets and dry Ramon Noodles. What is it with dry Ramon Noodles and Autism? Elliott and Emmett in particular are extremely picky eaters. They don't like thw texture of many foods. For some reason out of the blue, Elliott asked for a turkey sandwich. Typically, when Elliott says he wants to try something, he backs out at the last minute and decides he doesn't want to try it. I wasn't holding out hope but I had to go to the…


Help keep Autism Awareness on top

Please help me to keep my blog in the #1 Spot on the Fence. We need an Autism related blog to stay on top. Please help me to spread Awareness and share my story by simply clicking the button to cast your vote for Lost and Tired. I'm competing against several Give-A-Way blogs right now. I have nothing to offer except information and insight. If you wish to support my mission to spread Autism Awareness PLEASE vote to keep Lost and Tired in the top spot. There is no prize for being in first place. It just brings attention to the message I have. PLEASE help me spread my message of Autism Awareness by clicking the button below.   Thank You. To cast your vote for Lost and Tired, simply…


Gavin’s new medication

I got a call from Gavin's Allergist/Immunologist yesterday. She thinks that part of Gavin respiratory issues may be tied to Asthma. There has been suspicion in the past about this but nothing ever came of it. Because she is concerned about Gavin's breathing she called in an inhaler and a chamber thingy. I know that sounds really technical but try and follow me ;-) Basically I release medicine from the inhaler into the chamber thingy ans Gavin inhales deeply through the mask. He has to take two hits (another technical term) every four hours. So far it seems to be helping. He says he can breathe easier, so that's a good thing. I thought he would be frightened of the mask as he has been in the past but he…


Emmett was here…..

Emmett leaves his mark in random places through out the day. Most often we overlook them because we are so used to these marks. However, on occasion something will stick out and catch our attention. Today was one of those days. I walked into the bathroom to turn off the light and was greeted by a tower of toilet paper, compliments of one Mr. Emmett John. This is his way of letting me know he was here.  :-)  


Autism or Neurological?

Have you ever seen anything like this before. This is how Gavin writes now. It never used to be like this but as of late this is a very common occurance and dominates the way he writes. I don't know if this something related to Autism but I think this may be more of a neurological issue. I getting more and more concerned about this whole neurological thing. Gavin starts out writing using most of the page but a few lines later he begins using less and less of the page until he's whittled it down to only one or two words on each line. I fear this is another emerging symptom pointing to some sort of a neurological disorder. Does anyone have experience with something like this? If so,…


Emmett has a victory

I wanted to share a pretty major victory we had with Emmett the other day. It got drown out by Gavin's crisis. I don't want anything to take away from what Emmett has accomplished. So I thought I would share this with all of you now. So here it goes. The other day Emmett comes running into our room and shouting "ta da". When we look down we see he had put his own sock on all by himself. I asked him if he could go put the other one on? He said "yes Daddy". He ran downstairs and comes back with his shoe on. Then he went downstairs and came back up with the other sock and shoe on. This is really awesome because a few days ago he…


The CDD Journey: New Discoveries and New Fears

  Childhood disintegrative disorder: New Discoveries and New Fears One week ago today we received a phone call from Gavin's pediatrician's office. They were calling because lab work had come back and there was a problem, rather two problems. Gavin apparently had low lgM and lgG. We didn't understand exactly what that meant but we were told to make an appointment with an immunologist. Lucky for us we already had one at Akron Children's Hospital, Dr. Nancy Wasserbauer, DO and so we called for an appointment. Dr. Nancy Wasserbauer, DO is absolutely fantastic and we couldn't ask for a better person to fill her role. To my surprise, we had an appointment within 4 days from the time of the call. I honestly was thinking Gavin was going to be allergic to something that was…