The language barrier is killing me

Just got done with a huge Emmett meltdown.  It took me forever to figure out what was upsetting him. I knew it had something to do with this basketball hoop. Emmett was so upset and screaming so loud it was like needles in my brain and I didn't already have a migraine like Lizze did.  As it turns out Emmett was upset because the bottom sections of the net were twisted.  Look at the pictures and I have it circled to point out the twist in the net. For some reason Emmett was all out of sorts over these twists in the net.  When I say Emmett is particular about things, I mean Emmett is particular about things? I need instructions or an easy button before I pull what little…


Sharing our challenges with Autism

I have said many times that the best way to spread effective Autism Awareness is to share our personal experiences.  Those experiences can be both good and bad and they can also be different for each family. I thought I would try to get a better understanding of the community by asking you question.  What is the most difficult part of raising an Autistic child? I don't mean this in a degrading way.  We all love our kids but the reality is that life can be challenging.  I'm just wanting to better understand some of the challenges your family faces.


Camping out on the couch with Elliott

Elliott is having an emotional night.  He misses his friends from school and is anxious to get back.  The timing of this is pretty crappy considering.... Anyway,  we haven't told Elliott that he can't go back to his old school.  When he learns this he will be devastated.  We'll have to deal with that in the next few days. For right now I am simply trying to distract him for tonight.  Gavin is at Lizze's parents for the night and so Elliott and I are camping out in the living room.  So if a night of Netflix makes him feel better it's more then worth it.

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Elliott officially needs a new school

Last week we received a welcome packet from the school we were hoping to keep Elliott in this year.  We were very excited to receive this as we were waiting all summer to get word. As you may recall Elliott was not allowed to return this year because he is on the Autism Spectrum.  When we finally were able to meet with person in charge of the school,  I thought we had worked everything out. I thought I had cleared things up. I thought I had explained that Autism is different for every child and that simply because Elliott has Aspergers doesn't mean he will have the same problems as Gavin or Emmett. However,  we received an email this afternoon stating that by trying to service a "gifted child" like…


Autism and the age gap

Autism and the age gap I want to talk to you about something I personally struggle with on a daily basis. I guess that's kinda vague because, let's be honest, I struggle with quite a bit.  I'll be a bit more specific and focus on just one issue in particular. Let me start by asking you a question. Do you think that there can be a difference between a persons chronological age (think number of birthdays) and their emotional age? Anyone? If you said answered "yes" give yourself a shiny gold star because you are 100% correct. I refer to the difference between chronological and emotional age as the age gap. Many kids with Autism will present with this age gap as part of the developmental delay. The Lost and Tired family is no exception. For…


Please vote for Lost and Tired

Hello everyone, I'm excited to announce that I'm in the running for Parents Magazine 2011 Best Daddy Blog award. If you support the Lost and Tired blog then may I please have your vote. These types of things are a great way to spread Autism Awareness. Help put Autism Awareness in the spot light. You can vote by simply click on the button below. Thank you in advance for taking to time to read what I have to say and THANK YOU for all the support you have shone my family during these trying times.  I think you do have to register for the site as that's how they track whether you have already voted. It only takes a second and it's for a good cause. I truly appreciate everyone's support...…


Emmett’s fascination with fish

Emmett is absolutely captivated by fish.  He would spend all day watching them swim around the tank.  We don't have fish anymore but I feel like I should provide something for Emmett in this area.   Maybe with tax return this year I will set up a small aquarium for him and he can help me care for it.  I really think something like this would be good for him.  Watching fish has always been relaxing for me.  I have ever had had tropical fish for most of my life. The only reason I don't have one now is that I didn't want the responsibility as I already have my hands full.  I do believe it would be worth it if Emmett's fascination with fish can be fostered.  Kids in the…


How different Autism can be…

Gavin and Emmett are both on the Autism Spectrum. Both are considered Autistic but have profoundly different symptoms. I think it's important that people see kids on the spectrum as individuals. It would would be irresponsible, not to mention inaccurate, to lump them all together. As special needs parents, Lizze and I have to focus in two VERY different directions in order to help Emmett and Gavin to reach their potential. Here's an example of how the same traits have very different symptoms. Language, speech and   communication in general, are typical struggles for kids on the spectrum. Gavin, for example, NEVER stops talking. As bad as it sounds, I wish sometimes he had a "mute" button. The other problem is that he talks so fast and it's already very difficult…