When schools discriminate

As many of you are already aware of Elliott was barred from attending his school this year because he is a spectrum child. Elliott needs no special services and would also not need an IEP. However, the school is refusing to allow him to attend simply because Autism is attached to him. The real kicker is that he attended all last year and did very well. His teachers all loved him and he had tons of friends. Elliott is not socially awkward or does he have any real behavioral issues that would interfere with class. So why refuse to allow him to come back this year? This is the question that really has me frustrated. Elliott had Aspergers all last year and no one had a problem with it. The…


What is Occupational Therapy (part 4)

What is Occupational Therapy? I wanted to share another video from one of Emmett's Occupational Therapy sessions. This is the Hammock Swing and this is actually the first time Emmett has tolerated this exercise. Basically, this swig provides firm pressure to Emmett's body. The idea is to eventually get him to lay back in the swing and allow more of his body to feel that firm pressure.  However, we have to go at Emmett's pace. If we rush him he will simply shut down and resist any further attempts to work with him on these or any other exercises. Again, please keep in mind that these are geared for Emmett's personal sensory needs and your experience may be different. I hope this helps to give you a better idea of what Occupational Therapy…


Help with OCD in young kids

Over the past few weeks we have noticed something with Elliott. That something bares a striking resemblance to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).  In Elliott's case it has to do with hand washing.  Elliott is very preoccupied with germs and this is relatively new.  We did realize exactly what was going on at first.  Then over the past day or so I started paying closer attention to Elliott's activities throughout the day.  I thought he was going upstairs to play or get a toy but he was going to the bathroom to wash his hands.  I'm completely for good hygiene but not like this. He is constantly washing his hands with hand sanitizer.  Since I have noticed this,  I have very tactfully talked to Elliott about what he is doing.  I…


The giant comfy couch

Elliott's and I camped out again in the living room last night.  He wanted to push the 2 couches together and make a "giant comfy couch".  I suppose that comfy is a relative term but he had lots of fun.  Sometimes all I can do is provide a little comfort wherever I can.  So I was happy to do this again. After all,  they're only kids once.


Emmett the “HAM”

This is just a random picture I took today while playing around with the camera. Emmett has started with this huge cheesy grin now when taking a picture. He's just 2 cute.......

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Elliott’s absolute favorite song/video

Elliott absolutely LOVES this song. He walks around the house singing this all the time. Honestly, I like the song and think it's hilarious, especially after seeing the original video.  The song drives Lizze crazy and she hates it with a passion. However, despite her dislike for this song she allows Elliott to sing it to her all the time. Elliott and I have been sitting on the couch and watching this over and over while singing along.. I like that he has developed his own  tastes. He just can't get enough of the Double Rainbow song. He wanted to share this on the blog so all of you could "watch it and be happy". How could I say no to that? Elliott hopes this makes you happy. :-)  Isn't he…


The language barrier is killing me

Just got done with a huge Emmett meltdown.  It took me forever to figure out what was upsetting him. I knew it had something to do with this basketball hoop. Emmett was so upset and screaming so loud it was like needles in my brain and I didn't already have a migraine like Lizze did.  As it turns out Emmett was upset because the bottom sections of the net were twisted.  Look at the pictures and I have it circled to point out the twist in the net. For some reason Emmett was all out of sorts over these twists in the net.  When I say Emmett is particular about things, I mean Emmett is particular about things? I need instructions or an easy button before I pull what little…


Sharing our challenges with Autism

I have said many times that the best way to spread effective Autism Awareness is to share our personal experiences.  Those experiences can be both good and bad and they can also be different for each family. I thought I would try to get a better understanding of the community by asking you question.  What is the most difficult part of raising an Autistic child? I don't mean this in a degrading way.  We all love our kids but the reality is that life can be challenging.  I'm just wanting to better understand some of the challenges your family faces.