An Autism Awareness video by Z

An Autism Awareness video by Z A blogging friend of mine, Carolyn of the site Neuortypical Mom: Life with Z has a new post. Her son Z, has a message for everyone. I think it's really cool that he wanted to do this. Carolyn would like to share this video as her son Z, is trying to spread Autism Awareness. I absolutely love when the kids get involved, especially when they share their personal feelings and experiences. Your a really great example Z. Keep up the great work. Be sure to check out Neuortypical Mom: Life with Z and read more about Carolyn and Z. Thanks Carolyn and Z for sharing this video with all of us.   [youtube][/youtube]

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Unplanned trip to the pediatrician

Emmett has open soars in his mouth now.  This is a symptom of PFAPA as I mentioned yesterday or the day before. However,  he is not running a fever at this time but is in alot of discomfort due to the open soars in his mouth. Since he isn't running the fever we aren't sure if we should give him the Prednisone or not.  We can't get into immunology today so the pediatrician would like to see him.  So we will be off to the doctor's in a short while. Not sure what,  if anything,  he can do but maybe he can point us in the right direction.  Poor Emmett is having a rough time chewing anything right now but doesn't understand why.  He's getting frustrated,  which means he's also…


Emmett’s shirt of the day 8/29/2011

Welcome to another edition of Emmett's Shirt of The Day.  Haven't had many of these recently because....well... Emmett wouldn't wear any clothes.  However,  with school back in session,  he's wearing clothes more often now and once again showing off his shirts. Today Emmett choose his buzz off bee shirt.  First thing he does when he gets to school is stick his chest out so his teacher can see his shirt.  This is just a fun little post I started doing a while back so Emmett could see himself on TV.  It was also a way of encouraging him to wear clothes. So I thought I would share with everyone else.  To kinda lighten the mood and celebrate some of Emmett's awesome personality. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for…


You just don’t get it

I recently read a blog post from someone that was.....I'll just say....very critical of my wife and I. Honestly,  I can't expect everyone to agree with my thoughts and opinions. However,  questioning my character is something altogether different. I believe very strongly that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I'm not going to link to the post for a few reasons but mostly because I don't want to give this person any attention. A few of you out there know what I talking about as you have read the post and the person that wrote these things knows who they are and that's good enough for me. I have many new readers and I thought I would just take a few minutes and touch on why I have this…


The cat that poops chocolate cereal

Is it just me or does this seem wrong to you as well?  This is a bank,  actually a cat bank. To get your money out you push a button on it's back and its butt pops open and grants you access to your money.  In typical Emmett fashion,  he decided to store his cereal inside the cat bank,  instead of using it for money. So all afternoon,  Emmett was reaching his hand into the cat bank's butt and pulling out coco puffs.  Then he would eat them but only after thanking the cat for "pooping chocolate cereal". Cute?  Yes.  Disturbing on some level?  Yes.  One of those moments I will always remember?  Absolutely. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G…


A Lizze update 8/28/2011

I thought I would take a minute and update everyone as to how Lizze is doing. I speak alot about the other things going on that I sometimes overlook what we as parents are going through. Lizze has definitely seen better days.  Her pain is through the roof and the migraines are every single day again. She resists taking her pain medication because she is already so tired all the time and the kids need her more then ever. The problem with that is that we all have to watch her suffer and that is not easy.  She is back to walking with a cane on many days and isn't sleeping well,  even though she sleeps way more then most.  Stress makes everything worse for her and her symptoms become…


PLEASE report this disgusting Facebook page

  UPDATE: Thank you for reporting this page. The picture was just taken down. That's a great start. Anyone know how to get a facebook page pulled? If ever one deserved to be pulled and the user banned, this is it. This is ABSOLUTELY disgusting and the ASSHOLE that started this page has over 30,000 likes. That's means their is over 30,000 people without a moral compass.......or they liked it just to leave a comment about how disgusting it is. Either way the page has been reported over 3000 times and Facebook has done NOTHING about it. I have removed the picture because it is a pictures of someones baby with downs syndrome. There is a horrible caption and I won't share that. I'm truly sorry if this offends anyone…


Acoustic for Autism

Acoustic for Autism   I would like to introduce you all to Acoustic for Autism. I was contacted by Acoustic for Autism's  founder and producer, Louis Gendron. Louis had heard about Android4Autism  and he wanted to donate their entire music collection music to my campaign. Louis and I actually spoke on the phone for over an hour the other night and discovered that we have many things in common, including our passion for raising Autism Awareness and helping others in the Autism community. Louis and I discussed the goals of our respective organizations and shared our experience thus far on our journey to raise our families and reach out to others. I'm going to quote the Acoustic for Autism website because I think they worded what they are all about very…