Elliott’s first day of school

Elliott is on his way to the very first day at his brand new school. He's very nervous but won't come out and say it. He was up very late last night with the case of the first day at a new school jitters. It took a bit to get him moving this morning but I think he's going to have a good day. He's in a class of 12 kids and only 3 have IEP's. That means it a mostly typical classroom, which is awesome. He wasn't to excited about posing for pictures but I managed to get a few. Emmett even got in on the fun by taking some pictures of his own with his Android4Autism device. Elliott,  my little man, I love you and hope you gave…


Emmett’s Shirt of The Day 9/6/2011

Welcome to another exciting edition of Emmett's Shirt of The Day. Today Emmett is sporting his East Side Choppers shirt today. He's very excited to be wearing it and even more excited to be sharing it with you.


Elliott’s nervous…no sleep for Dad

Elliott is really nervous about his day of school in the morning. I know he would feel better if Gavin was going with him but for the first couple days he's flying solo. Elliott will not go to sleep. He's being exceptionally whiny tonight as well. He won't stop talking long enough to fall asleep. Poor kid is really freaking out about school in the morning. I know once he gets there he'll be just fine. He just needs to get that first day over with and get used to the new schedule. I have complete confidence in both the school and Elliott. I just wish he would go to bed because I need my beauty sleep. ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2…


Houston, we have a major victory

As the title states, every once in a while you have a major victory. Today was one such day. It started out pretty rough and continued that way until right about bedtime. I was playing with Emmett and all of a sudden he walked over to the trampoline. Now normally, the trampoline would be on the floor but today we had be working on some OT exercises, so it was leaned up against the chair.  Emmett walked over to the trampoline and started spelling the words he saw written on it. This isn't exactly breaking news because he has read off a few letters before. However, this time was a first because he got them all correct, including the lower case letters. I didn't even know that he knew those yet.…


Preparing for the week ahead

I'm doing the best I can to prepare for the week ahead.  Elliott's first day of school is in the morning and I'm not sure how well that's going to go. About 1 hour later,  Gavin is scheduled to begin his 2nd antibody infusion. However,  I think that only one of us are going to be able to make it there because there is far to much to get done before Wednesday morning.  I believe that Elliott will be going to my parents house on Tuesday night and assuming Gavin handles the infusion okay,  we will go to Lizze's parents house.  We need them to spend the night because we have to be at Akron Children's Hospital before 7am Wednesday morning for Emmett's surgery. Emmett will be admitted for at…



Last nights events have had a much bigger impact then I had originally thought. For me, this stuff comes naturally and there's just some kind of gear that engages and I'm off. It's not like I wasn't thinking, it was more like I was just reacting. It's kinda like riding a bike, it's something you just never forget how to do. I didn't feel the scene was unsafe because I had 5 police officers around me and half of the neighborhood in the street watching. Lizze is still pretty upset with me for going out there. I don't think she is so much mad, but more like worried. I understand where she's coming from but I don't see the difference between when I did this before on a professional level…


Someone was stabbed tonight

Disclaimer: Not for my younger readers. Graphic material is talked about. I'm sharing this as a means of trying to decompress from this event.   I got to be the old Rob for a little while tonight. Someone was stabbed right outside of my house about 45 minutes ago. I didn't even think about it, I just ran out, right into the middle of it. It's funny, well not really funny, especially if you ask Lizze (who isn't to happy with me right now) but I didn't miss a beat or hesitate. I was always the guy running into the places everyone else was running out of. I got a pair of gloves from the one of the cops and did what I trained to do....be a paramedic. I identified…


I’m co-hosting a new radio show for special needs parenting

Hey everyone I have some exciting news to share.  I'm going to be co-hosting a new radio show called Dad's Brigade along with my new friend and fellow special needs father, Josh Bauman. Our first show will be Thursday, September 15th, at 8pm EST. Dad's Brigade is part of Family Network Media which was founded by Susan Stephens in October 2010 and provides WebTV and Radio programming for the special need community. Josh and I are very much alike. He's a techy as am I but we are both special needs parents. You should check out his blog, Our Family of 4, and read his family's story, it's quite moving. Josh and I will be sharing many topics surrounding special needs parenting but from the perspective of a father. We have some pretty cool things…

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