Emmett’s Surgery: Finally Home

We have finally arrived home.  Getting discharged took much longer the expected.  Emmett is quite happy to be home and so is mommy.  They going to go nap now and hopefully get some rest.  Emmett's moving around just fine.  The big hangup and this will be a BIG hangup,  is that he is basically on a liquid diet for 2 weeks.  I,  personally,  didn't realize the degree to which his already restricted diet would be. I'll have a post about that later. Anyway,  we have arrived home,  safe and sound.  Thank you all so much for your thoughts,  prayers and support. I intend to document how this surgery has helped Emmett with PFAPA.  That way of there is anyone out there considering the same thing,  you'll at least have an…

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Emmett’s Surgery: Homecoming

Emmett is going to be released very soon. He's been eating a ton of jello,  which is mostly water,  so he's getting plenty of fluids.  He's gonna be uncomfortable for another week or so but he's physically recovering and that's the important part. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support and prayers. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Emmett’s Surgery: complications

Everything was going well.  Emmett was doing everything he needed to in order to come home in the morning and then he stopped drinking. He's on IV fluids anyway but they like to see hydrating on his own prior to release.  Hopefully he will feel better in the morning and get released on time so we can bring him home.  If he needs to stay then he stays.  I mean,  we'll do whatevers best for him. It would just be nice to being him home in the morning as we had planned... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of…

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To my beautifully imperfect family

I have been working on one of my little movies I make with videos and pictures from the past few years. However, it's extremely time consuming and time is something that I don't seem to have enough of anymore.  I had this all planned out and I most of the video cut and edited but I just can't seem to finish it. So I thought I would do this instead. I heard this some by Rascal Flatts and it was one of those songs that simply says what I couldn't find the words for. This song I think says what all of us as special needs parents feel for our children. I don't think I could have worded it any better and it always brings tears to my eyes when…


Emmett’s Surgery: Surgery is successful

Lizze and I had barely finished our lunch/breakfast and Dr.  Milo was out to see us.  Emmett's surgery went very well and without the hitch that we are so used to accompanying everything in our lives. We are still waiting to go back and see him...  They will call us as soon as he wakes up. While Emmett handles anesthesia very well,  he doesn't wake up happy.  So he will likely be difficult to console and rightfully so. I am soooo grateful that he did so well.  Thanks for all the prayers and support.  One major mountain overcome this week and only 2 more left to go before the weekend. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at…


Help me get this disgusting Facebook page pulled

I am fully aware that I have enough on my plate at the moment but I'm trying to kill some time and this has me pretty fired up. A good friend of mine has brought this Facebook page to my attention and we need to get it pulled. The page is entitled, I hate when people make fun of retarded people with Autism. This page owner then puts a picture of someone special needs child with derogatory captions. If you have a child with Autism or other special needs, PLEASE report this page by going to the middle right hand side of the page and clicking the report button. I think I was able to copy the link here. So click right here -----> REPORT   Please Note: The REPORT link…


Emmett’s Surgery: Sleepy time

There's something so heartbreaking with watching your baby walk down the hall with the nurse.  You know that he is going to be operated on and you won't be able to be with him.  The nurse just walked back a few minutes later to let me know that Emmett went to sleep without any problem.  She said he was very brave and wasn't affaid and didn't struggle. That was really,  really good to hear.  I would hate the idea of him struggling with the mask. Just a little price of mind goes a long way.. So now we wait...... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools…


Emmett’s Surgery: The struggle

We were called back because it was Emmett's turn to change his clothes.  He had to change into scrubs with snaps.  That didn't go well....at all. He was so upset that he was starting to gag.  The hospital staff was absolutely amazing.  They wanted to know everything they could about how Autism has effected him.  They took so much time trying to help him get comfortable and acclimated with the strange environment.  They walked him through everything until he was okay with it. Emmett struggled with most of the process since the scrubs already pushed him over the edge.  He got to practice breathing through a mask and they let him choose the smell of the gas.  Basically,  he choose a flavor of chapstick and they lined the mask so…

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