Got my first call school

Well, the ice has been broken and first time out of the way. I was hoping to make it a bit farther this year before getting this started but...whatever.. I received a call from Elliott's school that I needed to come get him. When I arrived in the school office a few minutes later, I was met by the year filled eyes of my sweet little Elliott Richard. He was very clearly not feeling well. Apparently, the he had fallen asleep at his desk during class and his teacher became concerned. When she went to check on him she realized he was running fever. She helped him to the office and took his temperature. It was 100.1°, taken under his arm pit. I took him home and checked his temperature.…


The view from therapy

This is the view from the office of the boys psychologist Dr. Pattie.  We are here every Tuesday and every other Wednesday.  The boys love coming here and that helps to make it a positive experience.  I just thought I would share this picture because it really is a nice view and kinda unique for a least around here. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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Read more about the article Mimicked or inherent behavior
Elliott Richard 5 years.

Mimicked or inherent behavior

As many of you are aware of, Elliott was forced to start a new school this year, at the last minute. While I'm very upset over the circumstances of what happened, I truly believe Elliott is far better off where he is now. That said, the transition hasn't been as smooth as we would have liked. While he's not having major problems, he is struggling to adjust to the changes. I spoke with his teacher today (who is amazing by the way) about a few concerns I had. She was actually Gavin's teacher for the first few years he was at Summit Academy. We couldn't have asked for a better teacher for Elliott. Mrs. C is very familiar with our family and much of the dynamic. It's very interesting to…


Emmett’s fever broke

At some point last night Emmett's fever seems to have broke.  He also seems to be doing much better this morning as well.  He has developed a cough and thats a bit concerning. No one really slept last night but hopefully we will be able to grab some sleep before the boys need picked up from school. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Tegra 2 powered Motorola Photon 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


I was published on Autism Central

Autism Central has seen fit to publish one of my articles on their site. Please check out and help support a great voice to the community. We need to help sites this Autism Central grow and help spread Autism Awareness.   Check out my article here:     Thank you Autism Central for your support. :-)    

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Lizze sees her PCP this morning

Lizze and I have been wondering if maybe she has the same type of immunodeficiency as Gavin. That would explain why she is always sick and was frequently sick as a child.  There is a genetic link to PI (primary immunodeficiency) and Gavin had to get it from somewhere. She actually goes to she her primary care physician this morning and is going to discuss this with her. I'm very interested in what she suggests and I also think it makes sense to look into this a bit further.   It would be nice if we found something that could be addressed.  We coukd finally improve her life, at least in quality. I'm not suggesting that she has PI,  but I do think that it's worth looking into.  As far…

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Autism Complicates…. Let me count the ways.

I have mentioned on at least a few occasions,  how Autism can complicate just about every situation imaginable. Please keep in mind that I'm speaking only from my own personal experience.  I don't believe in telling others how to think or feel. Instead I just share my personal experience and knowledge. Emmett just had surgery on Wednesday morning and came home Thursday afternoon.  We went through the same discharge summary that anyone else having a child that had just undergone surgery to remove their tonsils and adenoids would have heard. The only difference being that Emmett is not like most other children. Emmett has Autism and Autism has a nasty little habit of making things more least in my experience. We are dealing with that right now. During Emmett's…


Returning home with Emmett

I'm really tired so I'm going to make this quick.  The fever is most likely just another flare up of the Marshalls Syndrome. They did note that part of his lung is not expanding but they also said that it's not uncommon to have this after surgery.  However,  there is also concern that this could turn into pneumonia,  so they put him on antibiotics.   Hopefully,  this bout will not last as long. We are gonna head home and hopefully get some sleep.