Spread to thin

I have really been struggling to try and keep up with everything in my life.  I have realized that I have simply taken on more than I'm able to handle.  I have decided to reevaluate things and re-prioritize everything.  I think that it's better to take on less but do better than taking on to much and failing across the board. I wish I could just do everything I would like to but I honestly just don't have the time or the energy.  I want to be able to keep up with this blog better and have even more time for the boys than I already do.  The house desperately needs some of my attention as well.  There is also yard work that needs done before the winter. As Lizze's…

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“A” for effort

Emmett loves to help out whenever he can.  I really like to encourage this whenever possible, even when it creates more work for me.......or Cleo in this case. This is the best way I have found to help foster independence in my kids. Allowing them to help,  especially when they really want to,  gives them hands on experience and a sense of pride and accomplishment. The other thing that allowing my kids to help out has done is provide an avenue for connection building.  Many times my kids can get sorta lost in their own little world.  By working with them like this,  I have found that it helps to build a stronger connection and that's very important to me. What sort of things do your kids like to help…


Keeping kids out of the refrigerator

We finally broke down and bought locks for our refrigerator.  We have fallen about it many times but never really did anything about it.  The reason we finally decided to pull the trigger on this is because Emmett just won't stay out of the refrigerator.  As he has many food allergies,  we can't let him get into something that could make him sick.  These locks were easy to install and cost less than $5 at Walmart. So far they have worked out pretty well.  However,  I'm not sure it will be long before Emmett figures out how to open the locks.  He's quite intuitive that way. Either way,  they are working for right now and so if you are thinking about doing the same thing,  I would say go for…


Autism and animals

I have mentioned before that I think animals can have such a positive impact on children with Autism.  They seem to form a very deep connection with special needs kids in general.  I honestly don't know how this bond is formed,  especially when connecting with other people is such a struggle at times for some kids on the spectrum. I wanted to share a picture with you all today of just how this appears at times. Gavin had another massive meltdown this morning.  Something to do with Legos is my best guess.  Sometimes I don't know why we are having a meltdown in the first place as Gavin can't always articulate his feelings. So Gavin is having this meltdown and the entire time Maggie is sitting there with him.  It's…



I've been very open about my struggles with depression.  I've shared why I decided to get help and how I went about getting said help. There have been a lot of positive changes that antidepressants have helped me to bring about in my life.  Generally speaking,  I feel better and find myself bin a better position to cope with the stress associated with raising 3 boys on the spectrum. However,  the downside that I can't seem to get past is that since being on the antidepressants again,  my writing has suffered.  I have so much that I want to say and so many posts in my head that never make it to the blog.  It's frustrating because it sometimes feels like all my thoughts are clouded over.  I don't know…


Hell raiser

Emmett John is a little hell raiser.  I mean that with the utmost love and respect but good lord,  he is in rare form tonight. He is being very aggressive with his brothers and generally mischievous.  Don't get me wrong,  I'm glad he's starting to feel better but damn,  is he ever a challenge right now. T-minus 26 minutes and counting until I kiss him good night and God willing he goes to bed.  ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help…

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Survived the week

Just picked up the boys from school today.  They both had great days.  Elliott is finally adjusting to the change and Gavin is continuing to do well.  Also spoke with Waterloo Transmission,  the home away from home for our....um...awesome van.  That's right, she's back in the shop yet again. This time the brakes went out.  So far seems like a cheap fix,  however the ABS is having problems and either needs disconnected or repaired.  The intake is leaking again but that's under warranty and the front tie rods are so bent that the tires are chopped exposing the cords.  The van will be gone until next week some time.  So we will be vanless all weekend. So I need to get some groceries tonight before I give my parents car…



Today has been especially challenging...at least for me.  Lizze is really,  really struggling.  When she's in this much pain,  she's not in the best of moods. I guess part of the problem in the change of seasons.  Not sure what it is about the season change but it's really rough on her.  She has been in a full blown fibro flare for a couple weeks now. She's also got horrific migraines along with the all over pain.  It's so bad that it hurts to simply touch her skin and of course,  the kids decide that they want to climb on mommy.  Lizze is basically sleeping much of the day away.  If she's in that much pain,  I can't say as I blame her. The problem is that it puts all…