Scrunchy Nose Smile

There are quite a few things in my life as a special needs parent that are, stressful,  demoralizing, frustrating,  heartbreaking and overwhelming.  Many times these things seem to collect and weigh pretty heavy on me.  I also hit periods where I wonder if anything I do is really going to make a difference.  Then there are the times like today,  where nothing seemed to go right.  However,  sometimes just sometimes,  the stars align and you see things in a different light.  Today was one of those days for me.  Nothing went right this morning but this afternoon my 2 oldest boys had perfect days at school today.  While waiting for them be dismissed,  Emmett and I were goofing around.  I got to see his scrunchy nose smile.  I even got…


Daddy’s down

Well,  today is most definitely not going as planned.  We never made it to the appointment in Wooster because now Daddy is under the weather.. Lizze couldn't take him because she's got a wicked migraine.  She can drive to and from school but this would have been about an hour one way and that would have simply been to much for her.  Under the weather doesn't have to mean unproductive though.  I managed to take care of some pending business related insurance matters and that is now checked off the list. Lizze is napping with our littlest sickness,  Mr.  Emmett John. Emmett has the tummy bug that is going around the school.  He's back one day and catches something else and that one day was only 2 hours.... Sigh Not…


Short lived

Well,  everyone making it back to school at the same time yesterday was major victory.  However,  this victory was short lived. Emmett is home and sick once again.  Gavin is home as well but for a very different reason. We have an appointment at the Wooster campus of the Cleveland Clinic today for Gavin. It's a follow up with his main neurologist and the timing is really good because we have lots of new information to give him. Hopefully,  we will leave with some answers.  Just for once it would be nice to actually walk away with answers instead of questions. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools…


Remembering what’s most important

A friend of mine shared this personal story with me and I thought it really was amazing. She gave me permission to share this with all of you here. We all have those defeated days. Those days were we just feel so frustrated, overwhelmed, heartbroken and exhausted. It's these times that can remind us of what really matters in life. Jillian had one of these experiences recently and I thought this was really a great story to share. This is one of my most favorite things I have read in a while. I can totally relate to how she was feeling as I have been there myself. Jillian is thinking about starting a blog to share their story and I think that would be a really good idea. I also say…


Separated Elbow

I mentioned that Emmett was in the ER again last night but never elaborated... Emmett and I have this thing.  We play a game where we take turns getting each other's nose,  ears ect..  I used this as a fun way for him to learn the parts of the body.  I figured that this could help him when something hurts in the sense that he could tell us where he hurts now. So the other boys have gotten in on this and of course it's gotten a bit out of hand.  Anyway,  Emmett was sneaking up behind me so he could get my butt. One of the things his brothers have added to the game.  As he was about to do this I turned around and grabbed his hands.  I…


Autism, Health Issues and Missed School

Good morning everyone. I trust or at least hope this Monday finds you all doing well. Something I have been wanting to talk about and get a better feel for was how you all deal with this particular issue. Now this may not apply to everyone but I would think at least someone out there is dealing with something similar, so I thought it would be helpful to broach the subject. As the title suggests, this post is about Autism. Health Issues and Missed School. To be more specific, I want to discuss how to juggle these often conflicting issues and get an idea about how others are coping with this. Does that make sense? Recently, Emmett began it guess what is considered pre-preschool. Basically, he's to young for preschool…


Emmett returns to school

Emmett finally returned to school this morning.  It was a long time coming and he's finally back in school..... Although he almost didn't make it.  Emmett had a late night trip to Akron Children's Hospital ER. I'll post about the ER trip later.... For now,  he is back in school this morning and excited to be with his friends...  ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Celebrating the little things

We had to go to my parents house for a minute and I needed Emmett to get dressed.  He was willing to get dressed only if he was able to wear his Lighting McQueen PJ pants.  So we choose to celebrate the fact that he was willing to get dressed as apposed to his choice of clothing. Sometimes it's all about perspective and celebrating the little victories in life.  - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can…

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