Is there a Doctor in the house?

I posted this morning about receiving 9 pages of lab results from the Cleveland Clinic but not having an explanation. Most of the test results say abnormal and that is a bit concerning to us. So I was hoping that someone out there can understand this better then I do. I would appreciate your input on this, as we are concerned that something may be wrong. I'm not looking for rock solid answers but more of a general understanding of what these might mean. We will see Gavin's Doctor next week and ask him to explain these to us, as he likely hasn't seen them yet either. The only thing I redacted was some personal information and account numbers.   Thank you for your help.


Bad news on the Gavin front

We received a thick letter from the Cleveland Clinic today.  It was the results from all the bloodwork. Every result that was included,  at least 6 or 7, were all abnormal. So this is not only bad news but bad news with no explanation.  Right now we are left to wonder what the hell these results mean. I'm thinking of posting the results and seeing if anyone can shed some light on this new information. or 7 new things to worry about. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost…


The crack in the road

Emmett had a really rough day.  He finally settled down after this  I mentioned to Emmett that I needed to go get crickets for Toothless. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.  He decided he wanted to go with me.  However,  he needed to get dressed.  He loves getting crickets for Toothless. Anyway,  he scrambled to get himself dressed. You can see his amazing taste is clothes ;-) The fact that he was willing to get dressed was a pretty big victory. We arrived at the pet store and got out of the car.  However,  Emmett took notice of a crack in the road. He was absolutely fascinated by it.  He traced it with his little fingers. It was one of those moments that just was captivated me.…


My Twitter account was hacked

If you received a DM for @Lost_and_Tired last night on Twitter,  PLEASE don't click the link.  I made the mistake of doing that last night and I was hacked.  I'm sorry this happened. Please know that no one was posting negative things about you on a blog.  That was just the hook to get you to click the link. Anyway,  thanks for all the emails and tweets letting me know this happened.  My account is now back in my control. Thank you for your understanding.  - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote…


Can you understand?

One of the things I think that many of us, as special needs parents, have in common, is our desire for understanding. We desire understanding for our children and even for ourselves. The life of a special needs family is complex by it's very nature. Speaking only for myself, I know that many times I don't even understand the how's and why's. I want to help people have a better understanding of the struggles my children face daily. I want people to understand that when we can't go somewhere or have to cancel at the last minute, there are very good reasons. I want family and friends to understand that we aren't blowing them off and in reality, we would prefer to be there. However, the reality is that we…


Manic Monday 10/03/2011

      Welcome to my Manic Monday.       I used to do this all the time but haven't for awhile. This is just where I share just how crazy Monday's are for the Lost and Tired family. I also encourage you to share your Manic Monday stories as well. Parenting in general isn't easy but special needs parenting is in a whole other league. For some unknown reason, Monday's are just absolutely crazy for the Lost and Tired clan. I thought it was selfish of me to keep these Manic Monday escapades to myself, so I figured, who better to share them with than you fine folks. Hey, if I can give you a chuckle by recounting the horror that is Monday then maybe your day will improve. I would love…


Crack goes the Daddy

If you listen really carefully,  you can hear the sounds of a special needs Daddy cracking.  We all have our vises.  Sometimes these are the only things to get us through the tough times.  I have 2 myself. These things have gotten me through some of the tougher times.  They can be and escape and offer comfort or a sense of normalcy when things in your life are crazy. My first vise is building custom ROM's for Android smartphones and using those ROM's to spread Autism Awareness. My second one has been a long standing vise. That would be playing video games.  When I'm really frustrated with life,  I can join a COD Black OPs match and just escape into that world for a little bit. Well this afternoon I…



Elliott and Gavin have spirit day in the morning at school. So they are both wearing their Ohio State shirts. I found Gavin's and washed it,  however,  I couldn't for the life of me find Elliott's. I spent all day,  looking for that freakin' shirt.  I went through all the laundry and looked every place I could think of but no luck. Elliott has a habit of misplacing his clothes. I was starting to panic because I couldn't find it and I didn't want Elliott to have wear his uniform to school.  I was thinking,  maybe I could get him a shirt in the morning and bring it to school. Then about 15 minutes ago,  it occurred to me that there was one place I hadn't checked.  So I walk…

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