Maggie: Strike a pose

This is Maggie.  She's an absolutely amazing dog. We are very blessed to have her in our family. I took these of her lying on the couch.  She sleeps in the weirdest positions.  ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Elliott 2011

I'm very pleased to present Mr. Elliott Richard's 2011 school pictures. He is just to stinkin' cute. I wish I could freeze him at this age. :-)


Gavin 2011

Here is Gavin school picture for 2011. He took a really great picture and I'm excited to share these with you all. :-)


Magic Beans

Being a special needs parent has its ups and downs..  Sometimes the downs seem to out number the ups. Then there are days like today, that give me the strength to get up and keep moving forward. These little victories,  make all the difference in the world to my family. I know much of the world can't appreciate these little victories but I sure do.  I find inspiration and strength in these victories.  I see them for the truly amazing steps forward that they really are. I'm filled with pride for my little one's progress today. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is very much a big deal. If you watched the video from yesterday's post, Can you Understand, you can put this more into context. Yesterday,…


Emmett’s Education: progress

I have had several conversations now with people from the school district.  I have to be honest and say that they have all been very pleasant and positive.  Basically,  I think this comes down to Emmett's needs and the ability to provide for them.  If they can't provide for Emmett's needs than we find somewhere that can.  I think that pretty theory anyway...  Haven't worked out the logistics. I do want to thank the school system for not just blowing us off.  I also want to say that if we want the school systems to improve,  we need to work together towards that end.  They need better funding on the federal, state and local level.  Schools need to be more of a priority and the teachers need better support…


Is there a Doctor in the house?

I posted this morning about receiving 9 pages of lab results from the Cleveland Clinic but not having an explanation. Most of the test results say abnormal and that is a bit concerning to us. So I was hoping that someone out there can understand this better then I do. I would appreciate your input on this, as we are concerned that something may be wrong. I'm not looking for rock solid answers but more of a general understanding of what these might mean. We will see Gavin's Doctor next week and ask him to explain these to us, as he likely hasn't seen them yet either. The only thing I redacted was some personal information and account numbers.   Thank you for your help.


Bad news on the Gavin front

We received a thick letter from the Cleveland Clinic today.  It was the results from all the bloodwork. Every result that was included,  at least 6 or 7, were all abnormal. So this is not only bad news but bad news with no explanation.  Right now we are left to wonder what the hell these results mean. I'm thinking of posting the results and seeing if anyone can shed some light on this new information. or 7 new things to worry about. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost…


The crack in the road

Emmett had a really rough day.  He finally settled down after this  I mentioned to Emmett that I needed to go get crickets for Toothless. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.  He decided he wanted to go with me.  However,  he needed to get dressed.  He loves getting crickets for Toothless. Anyway,  he scrambled to get himself dressed. You can see his amazing taste is clothes ;-) The fact that he was willing to get dressed was a pretty big victory. We arrived at the pet store and got out of the car.  However,  Emmett took notice of a crack in the road. He was absolutely fascinated by it.  He traced it with his little fingers. It was one of those moments that just was captivated me.…