Manic Monday 10/10/2011

  Welcome to my Manic Monday. Diapers anyone? After a restless night's sleep, I was only semi-ready to face another Manic Monday. Everyone has been at each others throats all morning and Emmett has been in rare form. I have no idea what's going on with him but he has been very aggressive with Lizze and his brothers lately. He is absolutely miserable because of his current Marshall's Syndrome flare up. He hasn't been dealing with much of a fever so far but his mouth is full of cold sores. These are very painful and likely the driving force behind his aggressive behavior lately. However, that doesn't change the fact that his aggression triggers a domino effect. Emmett will lash out at Elliott and then Elliott will start to scream and that will set Gavin off as well as…


Gavin starts PT today

Gavin begins PT (Physical Therapy) this afternoon. He desperately needs it. He seems to be loosing more and more muscle control and hopefully, he can slow the progression of this process by working on some of these areas with the PT. Say a prayer that this goes well. I'm going to try to document as much as possible, so I can share with you what happens during a PT session.



This morning was a relatively good morning. Elliott was feeling better and Emmett seemed to be feeling OK. Lizze was not doing well so she spent most of the day in bed. We were supposed to go to my parents today in order to celebrate my dads birthday. We had canceled due to everyone not feeling good. However, since everyone was feeling better, I took the boys and let Lizze sleep. However, shortly after arriving, Elliott told my mom that he still wasn't feeling well but he was afraid if he had told me that he wouldn't have been able to go. He was right, I would have stayed home and let someone come to pick Gavin and Emmett up. I had to take Elliott home because he was still…

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Cognitive Regression

As many of you know, Gavin is dealing with something quite profound. No one has been able to explain it outside of saying it's some type of degenerative neurological disorder. He has been losing muscle control. Since January, he has lost his reflexes. Within the past month it was discovered that Gavin can't move his tongue in an upward direction. This it to blame for part of the speech regression. It has been recommended that he has a swallow study done to make sure he is having issues swallowing. However, recently, Gavin's grade are starting to fall, quite significantly. This is getting to become a much more serious problem. Our next step is to see a very special doctor at Akron Children's Hospital. If you have ever watched the show…


Do you ever just wish it would stop?

Sometimes I just wish everything would come to a screeching hault. I get so tired of all the commotion, fighting, screaming and whining. I truly love my family but sometimes I just need a break. Do any of you ever feel this way? I think it's only human to feel this way, however, that doesn't take the guilt away. Special needs parenting can be such a double edged sword at times. It can be extremely frustrating at times. Not only do you feel the frustration but also guilt for being frustrated with your child in the first place. I mean, afterall, it's not their fault. Sometimes it just feels like you can't win for tying. I'm having one of those days myself. The only person in the whole house that…


Something…take me away

Remember the old Calgon commercials where the person would be stressed out and simply have to say Calgon, take me away. That was all it took for their situation to improve.  I tried that and it doesn't work so I'm looking for something take me away. This has been the longest day ever and I could use the relief. We heard from the doctor and rapid strep test was negative but we need another 48hrs to know for sure.  Elliott is so miserable that he can't sleep.  Emmett started his first round of prednisone this afternoon and hopefully that will break this flare up. Everyone is miserable and either,  crying, screaming, fighting or whining and it's getting to be quite overwhelming.  Lizze is not having a good day either…


Fevers and Cold Sores

Elliott was up all night last night with a fever and sore throat. Emmett was up all night because his mouth is covered in cold sores once again. Elliott woke up this morning with a fever of 103.5°F.  Emmett,  ironically, isn't running fever...yet,  anyway. Elliott has already been to the pedeatrician this morning and they are suspecting strep throat. He is absolutely miserable and I feel really bad for him. Emmett,  is in the beginning of a Marshalls Syndrome flare up.  He has the largest cold sores on in tongue,  cheeks and gums.  However,  he has no fever.  We're waiting to find out whether or not to give him the prednisone,  without the presence of a fever.  The instructions are to give it at the first sign of a fever. …


Three little Gorski’s

Three little Gorski's,  one with a meltdown,  one with a Marshall Syndrome flare up and one with a rash and fever. It's gonna be a long weekend...... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)