
Tonight has been very sobering thus far.  I was contacted today by a fellow special needs father and good friend of mine Josh.  I haven't known him very long but I have grown to respect him tremendously.  He lost his beautiful little boy last night.  Kade was 3 years old and passed away in his sleep from what they believe was a seizure.  I don't even know what to say.  This is absolutely heartbreaking for me as a father.  To lose a child is the worst thing imaginable.  My heart just breaks for them right now. About 20 minutes ago I got a message from an old friend from my fire fighting days.  He informed me that a fellow firefighter friend of ours passed away today after battle with cancer.…



If everything is a priority than nothing really is As a special needs parent, I have found that I have to constantly reevaluate my priorities. These priorities  are an ever changing, ever shifting, blurry lined moving target. I have said this before, and I doubt that I coined this phrase but, if everything is a priority than nothing really is.  This rings so true my life right now and it has me very frustrated and overwhelmed. I'm being pulled is far to many different directions to actually accomplish any one thing.  In my life, I have 3 boys and my wife. All are absolutely amazing but they all have special needs. Some are more serious than others but all important nonetheless. I'm struggling to keep our boat from being capsized in the ocean of ever…


Not sure what to do

Elliott awoke,  basically in a panic.  He seemed like he was in pain but said he wasn't.  He was pretty incoherent,  so I take what he said with a grain of salt. I carried him downstairs to the couch to see if that would help.  He's all curled up and back to sleep now.  I wish I knew what was going on with him.  He's an emotional wreck darn near all the time.  He's having trouble listening at school and at home.  He is extremely anxious and very easily worried.  It feels like he is going down hill and I don't know how to help him. My heart is breaking watching him struggle.  Something has to give.  Something has to change.  I need to make things better for my family.…

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The Drive-By

It's been 2 days since the drive-by shooting a few doors down.  While we were not the recipients of the 8 gunshots,  it spilled into our lives when they tried to run me down and throw the loaded hand guns out the window in front of my house. We don't feel safe here.  Lizze is really struggling with this as she suffers from PTSD and this has caused her a great deal of anxiety.  While the boys don't know what happened,  the do know that something did. Our boys have a very symbiotic relationship with us,  meaning they ebb and flow with Lizze and I.  They don't need to know that something really bad happened, because they can feel that Lizze and I are nervous. I'm still pretty jumping,  especially…


Bloodwork Thursday

Once again,  we are off to have Gavin bloodwork done for this week.  We go right from school and typically,  Gavin does very well. This is a necessity because of the medication he is on.  It isn't fun but the alternative in simply not acceptable.  Thankfully,  we don't have to battle with him anymore over bloodwork. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


In this corner

Remember, I said I try to find humor in everything? Well this was one of those times. Elliott and Emmett are at each others throats constantly. Elliott is extremely anxious and Emmett can be very aggressive. Elliott's anxiety is likely due to Aspergers and just the situation in general. Emmett is aggressive because he struggles with speech and expressing what he needs or wants. Sometimes, there appears to be no rhyme or reason for Elliott's anxiety and Emmett's aggression. I don't even know what got this little fued started but they were both pushing each others buttons. This is a very common occurrence in the Lost and Tired house. Sometimes we just don't have the energy to intervene. We try to allow them to sort things out, so long as…


10 Reasons Why You’re Lucky…But Don’t Know It

When I became a special needs parent (11 years years ago), I realized what most people consider an annoyance is really a blessing. I'm by no means trying to speak for everyone or belittle anyone. When I wrote this, my son Emmett was not able to talk and we weren't sure he ever would. Having 3 boys on the spectrum is something that changed many things in my life. I find myself, sometimes longing for the little things that most people take for granted or consider a problem. This post is meant to help illustrate what I was feeling.  Life is all about perspective and that's something my journey have taught me. 10 Reasons Why You're lucky.....But Don't Know It 1. You're lucky because you never have to use words like autism, spectrum, bipolar, sensory, anti-psychotic,…


A little bit of OT

These pictures are from yesterday's OT session. Emmett had a blast,  as usual.  If you're wondering why he wearing his winter coat while in the swing,  here's why.  We are having a very difficult time getting Emmett dressed.  He just doesn't tolerate clothes very well right now.  With winter quickly approaching,  we thought it would be good to practice with a winter coat.  This way he can get used to it before he really needs to wear it. His OT suggested that he bringing with him to therapy and they will incorporate that into his sessions.  So far so good.  He wore it for a bit while we were there. Hopefully,  he will be able to tolerate the coat when it really matters,  or else this winter is going to…

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