Dental drama

Gavin has an emergency appointment in the morning with the special needs dentist. You may recall that Gavin has some pretty major problems with his teeth. It's something called Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI). In Gavin's case, his enamel is defective, which causes his teeth to have a brownish color. A few years ago, Gavin had to have his back molars crowned because they had no enamel. The other huge problem is that Gavin has pulled out so many of his teeth before they weren't ready to come out. Now his existing adult teeth have shifted and the new adult teeth that are just now starting to come in, have no room. He actually, literally, has 2 teeth side by side, if that makes sense. It's almost like they are sharing the same…


Somethings Fishy

I swear to God that Emmett is trying to push me over the edge.  I was prepping dinner and once again,  something disappeared.  I pulled 4 pieces of fish out to thaw.  I turn around and I hear the pitter patter of little feet.  I turn around and sure enough,  a piece of fish is missing.  As I walking into the dinning room,  Emmett hears me and giggling,  runs in the opposite direction.  Next thing I see,  is Emmett sitting on top of a pile of laundry. He actually buried the fish in the pile of laundry and was sitting on it to further conceal his little treasure.  I'm not sure why he has been doing this but while it's funny,  he's pulling these things off the stove and that…


Looks can be deceiving

Don't let his adorable looks fool you.  He uses those baby blues to win you over but trust me,  Emmett is T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  Don't get me wrong,  I love him to death but he is a handful.  If you look up the word mischievous in the dictionary,  you'll see a picture of my little Emmett John.  He's into absolutely everything anymore. His is completely exhausting to keep tabs on because he's literally, all over the place. With all that said,  it's moments like these that keep me going.  One of my most favorite things in the world is falling asleep on the couch,  snuggling one of the boys.  It's so relaxing and helps me feel more connected. Do you folks have a favorite things like this? - Lost and Tired Posted…

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Box4Blox is the solution to scattered Lego’s

  I'm really excited to be able to review Box4Blox because it's serves such a practical purpose. If your kids are like mine, they love Lego's. Lego's are a very common pass time for many kids on the Autism Spectrum. All three of my boys are on the Autism Spectrum and they all enjoy building with their Lego's. I've actually written about Lego's many times over the past year because they play such a dominate role in my boys lives. We have had the pleasure of using Box4Blox for a few weeks now and I have to say that this is by far, one of the most ingenious things I have ever used. The concept is so incredibly simple but it works very well. Basically you have 4 trays that stack together. This works…



Emmett did some very cool things this week in OT.  He climbed the rock wall and superman jumped off the platform and crashed into the giant pillows. He also did the washing machine as well. The rock wall was for strengthening and the superman jump provided the impact type input that he needs.  However,  the coolest thing was the washing machine.  They filled a giant cloth bag with balls from a ball pit.  Then,  Emmett climbed inside and they sorta shook the bag so that he was kinda tumbling in the balls.  It basically,  works to help desensitize him.  He loved it. He did really well once again and I'm very proud of him.  B-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided…


The Adoption

I thought I would post this in honor of the 3 year anniversary of the day I adopted Gavin.   This is the actual letter I wrote to the judge about why I wanted to adopt Gavin.   I often return to this letter to help me put things into perspective......... I was finally able to adopt Gavin on October 22, 2008 after fighting for 10 years to protect him from his abusive biological father and paternal grandmother.  I love you Gavin :-) Why do I want to adopt Gavin? I have been asked the question, Why do I want to adopt Gavin? This should be very simple to answer but it’s not.  There is so much going on in our lives that I don’t really know how to answer this question…


Total exhaustion

Yesterday was beyond exhausting.  Gavin was in very,  very,  rare form.  I haven't seen him this bad in a very long time.  Between all the screaming and having to restrain him while they took blood,  it's all I can do to keep my eyes open. Gavin and Elliott spent the night at my parents house,  which was awesome.  However,  Emmett came home last night so we never actually got a break.  He's been up since 5am this morning.  Lizze most likely won't be out of bed for many hours,  if at all.  She's in really bad shape. I just want everything so slow down a bit today because I'm moving in slow motion today. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to…

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