Picture of the day: 10/24/2011

Welcome to the Picture of the day for 10/24/2011. Today I'm featuring one of Gavin's little victories.  He made his own lunch today.  Pay close attention to the amount of jelly he used ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Another Day Another Therapy

Gavin has PT this afternoon.  Today has been exhausting and I have a massive headache.  I wish we could just slow down a little bit,  every once in awhile.  Tomorrow,  Emmett has therapy in the afternoon. This week is a slow one for the Lost and Tired household because we only have 10 appointments so far. It's gonna be a very long week. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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Gavin makes lunch

Gavin made his own lunch this afternoon.  That didn't go as smoothly as the dentist today but it was a good effort. Here are the pictures of his creation.  I put a couple views because you need to see the jelly from the side to get the full effect:-) Nice job Gavin ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Hell Freakin’ Yeah

Gavin's appointment went off without a single hitch.  This never and I literally means,  never happens. Gavin did so amazingly well.  I can't begin to explain just how proud of him I am.  He was in and out in roughly 10 minutes.  The dentist said that Gavin could have a mild form of dentinogenesis imperfecta but the operative word is could.  Gavin had no cavities but does need to brush better.  He also said that Gavin's tooth pulling episode hasn't caused any major problems at all.  There is some crowding but that's about it.  Gavin has 3 baby teeth that need to come out,  so Gavin can do that himself or we can go back and have them pulled.  They're already loose so Gavin will get them.  We had told…


2 year old little girl is killed in China. Who cares?

PLEASE BE ADVISED: This is extremely graphic. I have never seen anything like this and I just don't know what to say. 2 year old little girl is killed in China. Who cares? Who cares?  We all should. This should disturb and sicken everyone. What the fuck is wrong with these people. I've never seen anything like this and I hope I never do again. This is the most horrible thing I have ever seen in my life and that saying something. I had tears streaming down my face as I watched this. I can't even image what would posses these people to ignore this. China has much to answer for, and I truly hope that someday we as a human race can stand up united in opposition to these…


We have arrived at the dentist

We arrived to a rather unfriendly receptionist and the sound of screaming children.  I'm doing ok so far but my stomach is trying to work it's way into a giant knot. Gavin's doing well and seems unconcerned about what he's there for. Also,  I'm sitting next to a woman who has a tampon hanging out of her pocket. This is really awkward. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


OMG!! and it’s only Monday

Today is turning out to be way more complicated than I had imagined.  We have two very important things going on today.  They also happen to both be at the same time.  Lizze has her phone interview about her disability claim and as I mentioned last night,  Gavin has a very big dental appointment this morning as well. Well,  wouldn't you know it,  Elliott wakes up sick this morning.  Our plans have continued to derail as well. Lizze is now going to stay home with Elliott and Emmett while I take Gavin to his appointment.  She is also going to somehow manage to get her phone interview done as well. I don't know how this is all gonna work out but we don't have much of a choice.  We thought…


Dental drama

Gavin has an emergency appointment in the morning with the special needs dentist. You may recall that Gavin has some pretty major problems with his teeth. It's something called Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI). In Gavin's case, his enamel is defective, which causes his teeth to have a brownish color. A few years ago, Gavin had to have his back molars crowned because they had no enamel. The other huge problem is that Gavin has pulled out so many of his teeth before they weren't ready to come out. Now his existing adult teeth have shifted and the new adult teeth that are just now starting to come in, have no room. He actually, literally, has 2 teeth side by side, if that makes sense. It's almost like they are sharing the same…