Calming the storm

This morning has been really, really bad. I will post about this a bit later on. Basically, things went so wroing this morning that I decided we needed to try to recover. Emmett is still in the very early stages of this new fever cycle, so he's going OK this morning. So after dealing with the drama from this morning, I decided to take Lizze and Emmett out to breakfast, which is something we never get to do. We also need to try and get Emmett's hair cut as well. Once the fever fully kicks in, we will be stuck in the house for the better part of 10 days. After breakfast, Emmett should be in a good mood so the hair cut may actually be possible. - Lost and…


They come in three’s

We all know the old saying, "they come in three's". Well, we were hit, smack dab in the face with that today. Typically, this saying refers to death but thankfully, that doesn't apply in this case. What I'm talking about is more along the lines of just bad things happening. For whatever reason, my family seems to be just like a magnet for bad things. We have, over the years, adopted the notion that anything that can happen, will happen. I know that not the best attitude to have but it's the reality we find ourselves in, more often than not. Today was just one of those days where both of these sayings applied.   Number 1 Lizze, in desperation, was seeking additional help from a Rheumatologist to help manage her fibromyalgia. She was basically denied…


2011 Autism Forum

I was asked by the Arc of Stark County to help spread the word about the 2011 Autism Forum. This will be held at The Malone University, Johnson Center (in Canton, Ohio) on Novermber 2, 2011 from 7:30am to 3:00pm. Topics will include things like, IEP 101, Social Skills Throughout Life, Transition to Adulthood and many more. You must register by October 28, 2011.


Waking up your brain

Today we learned something interesting at OT.  They say it helps to wake up your brain.  Basically,  you cross your arms,  and using your right hand,  grab your left ear.  Then grab you right ear with your left hand.  Now,  with your arms crossed and ears in hand,  you do squats.  Supposedly,  this forces you to use your left and right brain at the same time.  Subsequently,  your brain becomes more active. They had Emmett try that today and he was so stinkin' cute. He did 11 little squats before he got bored and moved on. Feel free to let me know how this works for you ;-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint)…


Is it bedtime yet?

I'm feeling like crap today.  My head cold is moving into my chest.  I'm so tired right now that my eyes are burning. I have already driven back and forth to Cleveland this morning.  I have 3 more appointments before I can finally succumb to to my ever growing need to lay down and die. Lizze has her migraine still,  so she isn't feeling well at all.  So there is no way to win.  If I don't keep pushing myself,  Lizze will suffer.  However,  if I push myself,  I may likely end up in the hospital,  which is prone to happen when,  on the rare occasions I actually do get sick. It's one of those rock and a hard place type thing.  Please pray this day goes quickly and without…


I’m sorry

Sorry I have been slacking on this blog a bit.  I know I have and that bothers me.  The problem is that as things get more difficult at home I have less and less energy or even time,  for that matter,  to write.  I really want to get things back on track because this is a huge outlet for me.  With everything I have been trying to juggle,  I need the outlet than ever.  I'm not feeling well at all and so I have even less energy than normal.  I hope to get things back on track ASAP.  I know that my life has to come before the blog but the blog is a part of my life and I need to keep it moving forward. I have been on…



So,  we all know that we to take safety precautions when we have kids.  We do things like baby proof the house.  One of the things we needed to do was pull the knows off the stove,  so the kids couldn't turn on the gas burners.  However,  last night when I made dinner,  I forgot to pull one knows off.  This morning,  I had to run to the bank while Lizze and Emmett were napping.  I was gone about 20 minutes.  When I walked back into the house,  smoke was starting to come out of the kitchen.  I also heard the ticking on the igniter on the stove.  When I walked into the kitchen I found that the front left burner was on and the igniter was still ticking away.…


That’s all folks…..

I got Elliott and Gavin both down for the night. I've taken out the trash,  cleaned the fish tank,  fed the lizard/dog/cat.  I managed to get a couple emails returned and a few posts written.  I'm not feeling well and I think I'm getting sick. My night cap consisted of NyQuil.. I'm falling asleep.. I'll talk to you tomorrow.... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)

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