The bathroom at Wal-Mart

So earlier this evening,  Gavin comes over and says that "Grandma took me and Emmett to Wal-Mart".  Seemed pretty benign. However,  what he said next completely sent me into a panic.  Now,  I'll be real honest with you here,  I tend to kind of only half listen to Gavin sometimes.  It's more of a self preservation type thing.  He goes on endlessly at times and it can be quite draining. Anyway,  as I was half listening to Gavin,  I heard something come out of his mouth, that no father ever wants to hear their child say.  Gavin continued rambling and I continue to half listen. Than,  seemingly out of nowhere,  Gavin says,  "I met someone in the Wal-Mart bathroom". My whole world just froze for a few seconds.  It was…

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Is it over yet?

Emmett's on a roll today.  I love him dearly,  but am so grateful it's bedtime.  So far today he has pee'd on the carpet (for seemily no reason),  flushed cardboard toilet paper rolls down the toilet,  clogged the sink by stuffing toilet paper down the drain and ended the day by flushing Elliott jumbo sized pen down the toilet as well. Apparently, the toilet paper rolls were lonely or something.  All of this only accounts for the bathroom and plumbing related issues today.  He assaulted Lizze at least twice,  scratched Elliott's neck and jumped on Gavin's face,  giving him a bloody lip. To say that Lizze and I are exhausted would be an understatement.  Plus,  someone thought it would be a good idea to have no school on Monday.    How…


Where did Emmett go?

Emmett has decided to turn on the cuteness today.  I think it's to try and smooth things out after the whole,  peeing on the carpet incident. Well,  it's working.  This picture has Emmett hiding. He wanted to play hide and seek with me.  He decided to hide under the blanket and wait for me to find him.  :-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Really? REALLY?

So you know when your day is going to go right down the toilet when you child starts to pee on the carpet. Mr.  Emmett John decided that today was the day to just pee on the carpet.  Just pee on the freakin' carpet. Really?   Really,  Emmett?  I mean,  why? The bathroom is right there.  Why pee on the carpet? I'm thinking of just clocking out for the day and going to my happy place. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help…


Crack…Crack. Do you hear that?

If you listen carefully, you can hear the ever growing sound of me.....cracking. I'm so far beyond overwhelmed, I don't have another word to describe it. Gavin is driving me up a wall. Right now he is not making many good choices. He's struggling with everything and pushing me over the edge as he does it. In all fairness to Gavin, this isn't his fault. However, he's not listening and he has lost all ability to use common sense.  Gavin has never really been able to exercise common sense. I don't know it he's struggling more in this area or if I'm just so tired that it seems worse. All I know is that Gavin's behavior is changing and becoming more and more infantile. Part of me wishing he was just…

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It finally happened

As the title states, it finally happened.  What exactly happened,  you might ask?  Well,  Emmett is sleeping in his toddler bed,  in Elliott's room. This is a huge accomplishment.  We have been struggling to get Emmett to sleep in his own bed,  for quite so time.  We also wanted to try to move him in with Elliott.  Until now,  it was all just a dream. However,  this evening was different.  We decided to try again and it worked.  Emmett is snuggled under his Lightning McQueen weighted blanket and Elliott is passed out on his bed.  I don't know how love this is going to last tonight but Lizze and I are going to try and get some sleep while we can.  I hope you all have a good night.  I'll…


Is surgery in Gavin’s future?

Despite how well yesterday's 4th antibody infusion went,  we did get some troubling news of sorts. Gavin's sinus problems,  should be getting better in light of the infusions.  However,  despite these infusions,  Gavin's chronic sinusitis is not getting better.  We have ever been referred back to the ENT,  once again. Gavin's immunologist thinks he may need his tonsils and androids removed.  She is referring everything to Dr. Milo,  Gavin and Emmett's ENT,  at Akron Children's Hospital.  I don't know if he will need any type of surgery to correct his damaged sinus cavities but I do know that he cannot breathe through his nose.  Hopefully,  if surgery is needed,  it will make a marked improvement in Gavin's ability to breathe.  Lizze scheduled the appointment yesterday,  but I don't know for…


Where do socks go?

We here at the Lost and Tired house have had an ongoing issue for years now.  Where do all the kids socks go? More specifically,  where do Gavin’s socks go? Recently,  I went through the entire house and collected all the stray socks.  I found total of 25 pairs of Gavin's socks. That's right,  25 freakin' pairs of socks,  for Gavin alone.  You would not believe the places I found socks.  You would think that Emmett,  the little boy who throws his clothes anywhere he can to keep from having to wear them,  would be missing socks but no,  just Gavin. Once again,  Gavin is out of socks and a search of the house has turned nothing up.  What the heck does he do with his socks?  If you were…