Trouble with Gavin

Gavin is not off to a good start today.  This morning,  according to eyewitness reports,  he purposefully tripped Emmett causing him to fall and hurt himself. Elliott says that Gavin stuck his leg out as soon as Emmett was running by him.  Typically,  Elliott is defending Gavin,  so I have little reason to suspect that Elliott is not telling the truth.  In fact,  even Emmett was trying to say that Gavin tripped him. Based on Gavin's reaction to being questioned,  he did it.  My question is why.  This time last year,  this behavior from Gavin wouldn't surprise me.  However, recently,  he has settled down a great deal and so this seems out of character for him. The other side of the coin is that it appears that Gavin has hit…


How cool is this?

I was picking up some prescriptions at Walgreens tonight and I saw this.  It's an ear infection detector. How freakin' cool is that?  I wonder how accurate this is?  Has anyone tried one of these?  They're like $50 but if anyone has had to deal with frequent ear infections,  this could be invaluable. Thoughts? - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Screw you time change

I don't know how many of you out there are experiencing the same problem but my kids really have a rough time with the the whole time change thing. I understand the principle behind the time change but I have sneaking suspicion that whoever came up with the idea did not have an Autistic child. I hate the time change. It throws chaos in to the Lost and Tired family's otherwise, well oiled machine. Alright, that was sarcasm, but seriously, the time change just sucks. While my kids don't necessarily understand the concept,  they do feel the change and it disrupts their routine. It's like their internal clocks just won't adjust to the difference. Their bodies are telling them that it's 5pm and time to have dinner but the clock tells them it's only 4pm. Bedtime…


This year’s flu shots are gonna suck

Every year our boys get their flu shots. I know some people don't agree with that but it's our choice.  Typically,  the boys received the nasomist instead of the actual shot.  It was less traumatic for them. However,  this year has brought with it new health complications that have changed our approach to flu shots.  In light of Elliott and Gavin's recent asthma diagnosis,  they can no longer receive the nasomist.  They now have to get the actual shot.  Because Emmett is allergic to eggs he has to receive the vaccine at the immunologist.  To make matters worse,  he can only receive a small amount at a time.  So he will need at least 2 injections that day.  He'll get the first one and then wait about 30 minutes and…


I failed again

Elliott had his OT evaluation this afternoon.  I was expecting them to tell me that he was ok,  and didn't really need any help.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  As it turns out,  they said he has the worst muscle tone they have ever seen.  I literally,  had to fight back the tears.  It felt like I was kicked in the gut.  This also explains why Elliott is so fidgety at school.  His muscle tone is so low that he literally has a difficult time keeping himself upright.  Apparently,  that is why he's bouncy as well. How could I have possibly missed this? I don't know why I ask myself that question, because I already knew the answer.  The answer is as unpleasant as it is simple.  Elliott fell…


How could someone help YOUR special needs family?

This is a follow up to How you can help a special needs parent. It may to better to read the original prior to reading this one.    I know that my special needs family struggles many times and in many areas. I think that there are many special needs families out there, that are struggling for various reasons as well. In some cases we may need similar types of support. However, what my family may need could be very different from what your family may need. I have written about this before but it was mostly from my perspective. You can read that here, if your interested. I think it's important that others share the kinds of things that would help to improve their particular family's lives. Let me say this, I…


What is Occupational Therapy? (part 9)

What is Occupational Therapy? Welcome to part 9 of my What is Occupational Therapy, series of posts. This series is meant to help educate my readers as to what Occupational Therapy is all about, more specifically, what Occupational Therapy is for children on the Autism Spectrum or with Sensory Processing Disorder. These videos are filmed by me, while at Occupational Therapy  with my youngest, Emmett. I hope you find these videos beneficial in some way.  My hope is that they can help you better understand what is meant when you hear someone say, "we have OT today". I also think this is valuable for those of you with children that are going to be starting OT soon and would do better if they had some idea of what to expect. Part 9 In this edition,…


The bathroom at Wal-Mart

So earlier this evening,  Gavin comes over and says that "Grandma took me and Emmett to Wal-Mart".  Seemed pretty benign. However,  what he said next completely sent me into a panic.  Now,  I'll be real honest with you here,  I tend to kind of only half listen to Gavin sometimes.  It's more of a self preservation type thing.  He goes on endlessly at times and it can be quite draining. Anyway,  as I was half listening to Gavin,  I heard something come out of his mouth, that no father ever wants to hear their child say.  Gavin continued rambling and I continue to half listen. Than,  seemingly out of nowhere,  Gavin says,  "I met someone in the Wal-Mart bathroom". My whole world just froze for a few seconds.  It was…

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