Don’t say anything about my kids

Yesterday after Gavin and Elliott got their flu shots,  I took them to McDonalds for lunch and to play on the indoor playground.  When it was time to play on the playground,  I will admit being nervous because I wasn't sure how it would go with all the other kids. There were a lot of other kids playing. These kids were completely out of control. Knocking tables and drinks over,  all while their parents ignored the behavior and the damage they were doing. As it turned out,  my boys were perfect angles compared to the other kids.  So with that said, I would like to make a general statement.  Before you go judging my kids take a look at your own first :-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress…


Are you freaking kidding me

Apparently our offer was rejected by Maggie this morning.  If your unfamiliar with the offer,  basically,  it's a peanut butter Kong and some dog food laid out on a plate to help Maggie deal with anxiety of being home alone. She has been more anxious lately in light of the recent increase in violence in our neighborhood.  She already stressed out when the kids (aka,  her babies)  would leave the house but now it's gotten worse.  This is the worst we have seen.  She actually completely destroyed the couch.  I mean we everything that should be on the inside is now on the outside. I'm not angry,  thanks you Paxil,  but this is quite frustrating.  I don't know how to help her.  She was doing well for a little while…



So as it turns out,  Emmett was able to get it done in one shot,  pardon the pun. :-) Anyway,  it was over in 10 seconds but Emmett was quite upset for much longer.  We now have to wait for 30 minutes in order to make sure that he doesn't have a reaction. - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the spelling ;-) Please Vote for Lost and Tired (just click the link) and help me spread Autism Awareness. Everyone can Vote once a day :)


Back to Akron Children’s Hospital today

Emmett is due for his flu shot this morning.  However,  since he is allergic to eggs,  we have to do this at the immunologists office.  Since the vaccine has egg protein present,  they have to break the vaccine up into two separate injections today. This is done to make sure that he doesn't have a reaction to the egg protein.  For those undoubtedly wondering,yes we vaccinate our children. The flu shot is essential,  especially in light of the health issues my kids have,  including asthma and primary immunodeficiency.  :-) - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools and disadvantages of a bastardized version of auto-correct. So please forgive the…


Helping Hands

I want to take a few minutes give some background on the Move the Gorski's fundraiser that you may or may not have heard about.  If you have been following our story, you are aware of some of the challenges facing my family. Many of these challenges revolve around trying to raise a special needs family and some are not. Here is some background for those new to this blog and our lives. Some Background Recently, violence has been spilling into our neighborhood. Anyone familiar with Canton, Ohio knows that we have an ever increasing problem with gangs. Where we live is kind of a grey area, it's not bad but it could be better. Over the past month and a half the violence has increased to a point that my wife…


Confessions of a depressed, special needs father

Hello again. I wanted to take a few minutes and share some more private things that I think are important. The reason I want to continue sharing this is because I don't think there is anything to be ashamed of and I want to help combat the stigma associated with depression. So here goes nothing :-) Oh...and in case your interested in reading some of my past Confession posts look here. I have been battling with depression for many years now...on and off. I was actually doing quite well and was off antidepressants for most of this year. However, I began to struggle a few months ago. I became very..... preoccupied with my own morality and what would happen to my kids if something happened to me. Preoccupied is really an understatement, I…


The ABC’s of Autism

If you have been following our story for awhile now, than you are aware of Emmett's struggles. Emmett was diagnosed with Autism this year and is severely speech and language delayed. However, along with the heartbreak of the Autism diagnosis comes the joy and elation of progress. Emmett is the poster child for progress. He has gone from no language ability to singing the ABC's and carrying on very simple conversations. I'm so incredibly proud of my little Emmett John as he defies all those, including myself, who were afraid he would never be able to speak. this video was like my 3rd or 4th take because prefers to take the video at times. So this is what I ended up with but I think it gets the point across. :-) [youtube…


Special Needs App Reviews

I have decided to start reviewing Android apps,  in particular,  those that apply or will be useful to special needs parents. I have a whole catalog of apps that I use to help with this blog and keeping the Lost and Tired family moving forward.  I'm kinda excited about this because I truly believe Android is the way to go. I hope you will find this useful. If you have an Android app geared towards special needs families or Autism in general,  and would like it reviewed,  please contact me. I would like to review anything that could assist those with Autism and their families. As apps for the iPad / iPhone ect goes,  I would be happy to review them as well,  however you would have to provide the…