The plot sickens, I mean thickens

Elliott came home from school and is running another fever. Not to be out done, Emmett is spiking a fever as well and Gavin has a sore throat. Lizze, however, is feeling better. I have been trying to convince her to still for tonight and just take her mom. Lizze is reluctant because everyone is crying or screaming because they are miserable. In Gavin's case he's melting down because he isn't going to grandma's house tonight. He melted down for about 20 minutes before regaling his composer. I'm going to be with Elliott at the doctors in just a bit. I reallybthink he has an ear infection. He experiencing a ton of anxiety at the thought of going to the doctors. Dear Universe, I give up. I will not try…


Has this ever happened to you?

Over the past 10 years or so, we have been through many things, as far as special needs parenting goes. I was looking back on the last decade and I started thinking about something and I thought I would pose this to you folks to see what your experience is. When Gavin was in kindergarten, he was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. Despite having two independent, very repudiable doctors confirm this diagnosis, the kindergarten teacher wouldn't accept it. I don't want to drag all that drama up again but you needed some background. Anyway, this teacher was a complete nut job. She was convinced that Gavin problems were food allergies and would openly express her opinions to Gavin. Gavin became convinced that everytime he ate anything with sugar that he would…


Goodbye Date Night :-(

Lizze attended the IEP meeting for Elliott this morning and I stayed back with Emmett. There were no concerns about Lizze being able to handle this on her own. We have no worries about IEP's at this school but even if we did, Lizze is not someone you want to mess with. Mamma bear is very protective of her children, including the educational rights. When Lizze got home, she was tired and laid down with Emmett for about 5 hours. When she woke up she was not feeling well at all. This doesn't look good for date night. It appears that the universe doesn't want us to get away for even a single night. This is evident by the string of events that have taken place over the past few…


IEP meeting in the morning

I thought Elliott's IEP meeting was on Monday but it's actually in the morning. I can honestly say that I'm not worried about it. Their school is so good with this kind of stuff. We are very lucky when it comes to school this year for both Elliott and Gavin. Now all I have to do is figure out Emmett's school situation and we can move forward on the education front. :-)


Today’s Victory: 11/16/2011

I think I'm going to make it a point to share our daily victories. So many times, these little victories get lost in the shuffle and I never get around to sharing them. Today's victory is pretty simple but significant nonetheless. Elliott, doesn't have as many challenges as some other kids with Aspergers can have. However, one of the things we do struggle with is texture, especially when it comes to food. Elliott has never liked milk. He'll drink chocolate soy milk and that's all. He has got to be one of the pickiest eaters I have ever met. He finds something wrong with almost anything he eats. Anyways, today, out of nowhere, he asked for milk in his cereal.....and he actually ate it. Well, most of it anyway. I…


Relocation 11/16/2011

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all your support. I want to thank the McCabe's for taking it upon themselves to reach out and help my family by launching a fundraiser that you can read about in the stickied post at the top of my home page. Thank you for all the generous donations that will assist in our relocation. Please remember,  do not feel obligated to help.  :-) I thought I would update you all as to the progress of my search.  I have been searching everyday via and the local papers.  Nothing has turned up thus far.  Again, I want to make sure that we do this right the first time.  I will keep you all updated as to the progress.  Thank…


Fattest Squirrel EVER

This is completely off topic,  however,  I thought it was pretty funny.  My neighbor loves squirrels.  He actually makes them little tiny peanut butter sandwiches.  He's actually one of our nice neighbor's. It just kills me when I see these squirrels scratch at his door when they are hungry. Then they sit there eating these tiny sandwiches. Anyway, this squirrel is so fat that it can barely squeeze under the fence anymore. This thing is like a regulation size football, with a tail. I just thought is was humorous and wanted to share.  :-) Hope everyone is having a good day.... - Lost and Tired Posted by Wordpress for Android via Samsungs Epic Touch 4G (provided to me at no charge by Sprint) without the use of proper editing tools…


Snuggly Emmett, Sleepy Daddy

I saddened to say that Emmett has hit yet another cycle.  He has been running a fever since yesterday afternoon and has developed large cold sores on his tongue.  He's actually in a surprisingly good mood, considering. If we had it to do all over again,  I don't know that I would go through with the surgery he had a few months ago. While the surgery did lessen the intensity of the cycles,  they are no longer predictable. The cycles used to hit like clockwork,  about every 3 weeks and last for 10 days.  Now they hit at random times,  often twice a week.  They don't last as long but they are more frequent.  In a sense,  it's worse now then before because we have no idea when the next…