5th Antibody Infusion: Prepped and ready to go

Gavin is now all prepped and ready to go.  The nurse is about ready to place the IV as his meds have kicked in by now.  She will also draw Gavin's blood so he won't need to have a second needle stick today for his now biweekly bloodwork for his Clozapine refills.  That just means less trauma for Gavin and less drama for everyone involved.


5th Antibody Infusion: Vitals are good

We,  meaning Gavin and I have arrived once again at Akron Children's Hospital for the 5th antibody infusion.  We arrived pretty early and they got us back right away. Now we are just waiting to get started. We have quite a few hours ahead of us....


Sentencing clothes to death

I swear to God,  that Gavin has to be the most destructive kid in the world when it comes to his clothes.  I mean,  honesty,  his clothes never stand a chance.  We are basically sentencing his clothes to death every time we buy them for him. We were getting him dressed for his infusion this morning and handed him his brand new pair of school pants. However,  as we handed them off,  we noticed all of what you see in the picture.  He claims it's from jello but unless he was rolling around in a kiddie pool,  filled with at least 2 different colors/flavors of jello, I don't see how this was possible. Gavin is the only person in our family that is ever missing clothes.  I have absolutely no…


“Wake up with a rash” Friday

Elliott woke up this morning with a rash.  Not sure what it is but it's enough that he has to stay home from school.  When he was examined by the immunologist yesterday,  she did mention that it looks like he is fighting something off.  Perhaps this is part of that,  whatever that is.  Not that him being sick is a good thing,  but the timing does actually work out to our benefit.  Gavin's infusion is later in the morning today.  That means that we likely wouldn't be home in time to get Elliott from school anyway.  That is the silver lining in "Wake up with a rash Friday".  Hope all goes well for everyone out there today. I'll be thinking about all of you today.  :-)


Many things accomplished

Today was crazy busy.  I was up all night with Elliott only to be up in time to make it. To Akron Children's Hospital before 8am. After 2 successful appointments, we made our way home.  I had to pick up some prescriptions get a few other things done.  I made a few return calls and got a few posts done for the blog. I got the kids fed,  medicated and ready for bed.  Elliott and I finished his make up work and as I finished a load of laundry. Now I'm gonna try to get some sleep because I have another full day at Akron Children's Hospital in the morning with Gavin's 5th antibody infusion.  It's gonna be a very,  very long day.   :-(


Some van-tastic news

I thought I would share some van-tastic news with you.  Well part of me thinks it's good news and part of me thinks I'm an idiot but here it goes anyways.  :-) I spoke with my friends at Waterloo Transmission yesterday and explained that I could not pull off the $2, 200 it would take too get the van repaired.  I asked that they do the recall work and I'll pick it up and park other until tax return. Then to my surprise,  they offered to stretch things out until tax return.  I'll pay a couple hundred a month until tax return and then pay it off.  Ironically,  this is basically what happened exactly one year ago with the engine and transmission. On the plus side,  we will have our…


Helping your child with asthma

While at the immunologists today with Elliott,  I took some pictures of the 2 giant posters they have on the wall. These posters offer some common sense or maybe not so common sense tips on how to keep the living environment healthier for your asthmatic child.Honestly,  some of these things are pretty simple and some of these I would never have thought of. I thought I would share them here and maybe they can help some of you out there.  I'm always trying to find ways to make life easier for everyone.  I'm going to be implementing some of these suggestions as a way to improve my own kids quality of life.  Hope this helps.   :-)

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Android apps for your Autistic child 12/01/2011

Helping people help their kids I have become kind of a voice for and even a sort of lesion between the Autism and Android communities. My goal is to help people realize just how much more potential Android devices have over the Apple line of products.  Not only are Android devices more affordable, they are typically more powerful and allow for complete customization of the user experience. In other words, if you want a device that can be customized to your child's unique needs, at a price starting at less than $200 and access to hundreds of thousands of apps, your only choice is Android. The fact is that more and more people are using Android based smartphone. What many people don't seem to be aware of, is that their Android based smartphone…