Another day another fever

Today is another day.  However,  much like last week's worth of days,  today has brought with it another fever for Emmett. It's actually pretty low grade but it's still there.  He is extra grumpy today and I can't blame him.  Having said that,  it is making life more difficult because he's cranky and aggressive,  especially towards Elliott.  If Emmett's not screaming for whatever reason,  Elliott is because of something Emmett has done to him.  I've been trying to find my happy place for a while but everyone I do,  I get slapped back to reality by another fire that needs put out.  Lizze is not doing so well and all of this makes her feel worse,  which in turns increases stress and anxiety in the house,  which makes the kids…

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Grant me patience

Gavin is driving me absolutely crazy. He will not stop talking and is doing everything in super fast mode. He doesn't appear all there today. I'm trying to be as patient as possible but it's not easy and I'm forced to attempt to block him out,  so as to keep me from going over the edge. He's stressing out about Christmas and won't stop talking about it. I have had to ban the subject for right now because I just can't take hearing about it anymore. I'm concerned that our attempts to be sensory friendly have already failed as Gavin appears to heading in the direction of another psychotic break. When that happens, Gavin loses touch with reality. This means he will no longer be able to tell the difference…

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Sensory friendly Christmas

Sensory Friendly Christmas If your special needs family is anything like mine, you are likely facing the same or similar dilemma as the Lost and Tired family is. That dilemma is what to do for the holidays. For many families, what to do for the holidays is a relatively simple task. For the Lost and Tired family, we have a much more difficult and complicate task of trying a provide a sensory friendly Christmas. What is a sensory friendly Christmas?   Well, that's actually a very good question and one I'm not sure I have the answer to. Essentially, a sensory friendly Christmas is one that does not cause or at least attempts to prevent overstimulation. This is not an easy task, especially if you have multiple kids on the Autism Spectrum with…


Peace and Quiet

Last night we had a very rare opportunity.  Lizze and I got out of the house for a little while.  Believe it or not we went out to dinner..alone. This almost never happens but it did tonight. We have our family to thank for this opportunity to get away. Thank you      Posted from WordPress for Android


Unique view of OT And PT

I thought I would try out the new panoramic feature on my new Verizon phone.  This is a view of the main therapy room at the always amazing Concorde Kids. The picture is a bit compressed due to the watermarking app,  so I'm not sure how it turned out. Posted from WordPress for Android



I'm currently sitting at therapy with Gavin. He has OT,  PT and speech therapy today,  back to back to back. Every Monday,  I sit here for at least 1.5 hours while he received the therapy he needs.  I'm so grateful that he has this but honestly,  it gets old after awhile and the time just sorta drags on and on. Tuesday's and Wednesday's,  Emmett has the very same back to back to back therapy sessions. By the time it's all said and done,  I spend over 5 hours in therapy with the boys and that does not include when Elliott starts. It also doesn't include the other therapies and doctors appointments through out the week. I figured that many others out there do similar things and so I thought I…


We finally jumped ship

After many,  many years with Sprint,  we decided it was time for a change. Over the past year,  the service in my area has gone down hill,  dramatically. As we haven't had a land line in probably 4 or 5 years,  we relied solely on our cell phones.  As early adopters of smartphones,  we have come to rely of them heavily for all forms of communication with the outside world.  Sprints data service over the past 8 months has been quite literally, unusable. Many people have been switching to Sprint for their unlimited plans.  This surge of new customers overwhelmed and already saturated network causing capacity issues.  Basically,  more people were trying to use the service than Sprint could handle. To make matters worse,  Sprint recently spent $22 billion to…

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Square in the fellas

It's only the first day of a 16 day Christmas break and I'm already a donkey on the edge.  The kids have already had enough of each other and Emmett is absolutely miserable.  If Emmett ain't happy,  ain't nobody happy. He woke up front his nap and has done nothing but scream and cry.  I can't seem to comfort him.  He wants things we don't have at the moment and I'm honestly not even sure what they are.  I picked him up and walked him out of the kitchen.  He was not happy and was kicking.  I wasn't prepared and he kicked me square fellas. For a 3 year old,  he has a wicked kick.  I know he didn't mean to do that but that's not a whole lot…