Please pray for Gavin

Gavin is going to Akron Children's Hospital Emergency Room.  He has been disoriented today and something is wrong.  I'm concerned he maybe having seizures. His actions are consistent with some one post ictal,  the phase immediately following a seizure,  where is disorientation and even aggression.  As a paramedic,  I have seen this many,  many times.  They have looked into seizures with Gavin before but nothing showed up at that point.  However,  something is very clearly wrong and we need to make sure he is OK. Please keep him in you thoughts and prayers. I'll keep you all posted. Thank you. Posted from WordPress for Android


I’m Grateful

I swear to God that Emmett was programed for destruction.  Don't get me wrong,  he's sweet,  adorable and amazing but he is also very destructive. It's like his goal for each day is to make as big of a mess as possible.  Let me just say,  he is quite efficient at doing this. The one thing he does that just drives me crazy is his pension for destroying Elliott's bedroom.  He will go into Elliott's room and pull all the clothes out of the dresser and completely strip the bed.  Then he flips the freaking mattress off the box spring. He does this every single day and I have no idea why.  All I know is that I am so very tired of having to put it back together at…


Success, at least for now

Thanks you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  Lizze is peacefully sleeping right now,  at home,  in bed. The hospital treated her very well and gave her a cocktail of pain killers to break the migraine.  It's to soon to tell if this actually worked,  but we should know in the morning,  when the meds are out of her system. I just wanted to let all of you know how things were going.  My hands have been fully today and so I haven't had much time to write. I'm gonna try to get caught up tonight between loads of laundry. Thanks again and please have a good night. Posted from WordPress for Android


Prayers and good thoughts are needed

Please say a prayer for Lizze.  She went into the emergency room a little bit ago.  Her migraine is so bad that she has become unsteady on her feet and sick every time she eats.  It's also been 3 days since she has been able to sleep. I had to sorta strong arm her in order to get her to go.  She is very reluctant to go to the hospital because of the approach many doctors take to patients suffering with fibromyalgia. In our experience,  there are quite a few doctors that don't buy into this disorder and subsequently treat those seeking relief as drug seekers. While there are people out there looking for their next fix,  people with fibromyalgia, live every single day in almost constant pain. Wanting relief…


Creative Cap

Last night at therapy,  Elliott but on his creative cap and drew a picture for Dr.  Pattie abdominal also made a giant snail out of clay. He wanted to share both of these things with all of you.  Enjoy :-)   Posted from WordPress for Android


The last appointment for 2011

I am currently at therapy tonight with Gavin and Elliott.  I believe this is the very last therapy appointment for 2011. It's been a very long road but we have transversed it together and will try our best to replenish ourselves over the next 2 weeks as we head into the first appointment of 2012.  Posted from WordPress for Android


Where everybody knows my name

This has become my home away from home.  Much like the theme song from "Cheers",  this is where I go that everybody knows my name. I just thought I would share what I was looking at right now,  when I'm once again waiting in line.  Posted from WordPress for Android


Home away from home

This has become my home away from home.  Much like the theme song from "Cheers",  this is where I go that everybody knows my name. I just thought I would share what I was looking at right now,  when I'm once again waiting in line.  Posted from WordPress for Android

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