Family Night out

I posted something earlier about "breaking the cycle".  In order to try and get everyone in a better place,  I decided that we would all go out to dinner. My goal was to remove everyone from the chaos long enough to hopefully break up the tension and allow everyone to get into a better place. Well,  we went out to the local Chinese buffet tonight. I would say it went well but that wouldn't exactly be the case. I think that overall,  they did pretty well considering. Gavin demonstrated once again that he has no filter. He talked,  in a very loud outside,  about needing to go to the bathroom.  He also used alot of detail,  enough so that it was disturbing to those around us trying to eat. Elliott…


Today’s Victory: 12/27/2011

Today's Victory is brought to you by Elliott and Emmett.  Despite all the fallout from the holidays,  they actually got along for a little bit this afternoon. They were playing Sonic Generations together on the PS3.  They were taking turns and working together to get further in the game.?? It was a pleasant change from the rest ofnthe day. Great work boys.  Daddy is so very proud of you both for working together instead of fighting.  Keep it up.  :-) UPDATE: Someone had asked about PS3 games I would recommend for kids. I replied to the comment but also thought I would add this information to the post because it may be helpful to more people .   You should check out the games, Flow and Flower. They are really organic…


Christmas: The Aftermath

I was wondering how everyone's holiday went?  At the Lost and Tired house we are seeing overstimulation out the wazoo.  My kids are all running around like chicken's with their heads cut off. Gavin has been completely out of it and I don't know how to help him. He almost seems manic but his Lithium level was just test the other day and everything is fine. He's back to having to tell me every single thing that he is thinking about.  I've told him many,  many times now that I don't need to hear everything that he's thinking but it doesn't seem to work. When I say he tells me everything,  I mean everything.  The constant talking is maddening and I truly mean that. All the boys,  in general, have…


Breaking the cycle

OMG,  my kids are beyond overstimulated.  Everyone is at each other's throats. It's like a cycle,  in the sense that the more the fight with each other,  the more overstimulated they become.  When things get this bad,  I typically try to break that cycle by removing everyone from the situation. Tonight,  I think that it's one of those times where I need to get everyone out of the house and out to dinner. We do this,  only on the rarest of occasions because it's not an easy task.  However,  desperate times call for desperate measures. In a few minutes I will get the boys packed up and help Lizze out to the car.  I think Chinese food is in order and I hope this helps to break the cycle of…

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T’was the night after Christmas

T'was the night after Christmas and all through the house not a creature was string except me because I can't freaking sleep.  :-( I'm exhausted but Mr.  Elliott Richard has been puking his guts out for most of the night. He'll sleep for a little bit and then start tossing and turning.  That is an indication that his tummy is hurting him again. If he wakes up he will likely puke again,  or at least dry heave,  which to me is even worse. However,  if I rub his back and pat,  he falls back asleep and doesn't get sick.  So I guess I'm on call tonight,  so to speak.  My litter man is truly miserable,  and ifnthis helps him to feel better then it's well worth the sleepless night.  I…


When Christmas pukes all over your house

Everything started out OK.  We woke up at the butt-crack of dawn by 3 little boys anxious to open their presents. Gavin decided not to wait and tore through all of his presents before anyone else even got started.  He was completely overstimulated already moving at mach speed. Shortly after the gift fiasco,  things really started going downhill. Emmett spiked a fever again this morning and Lizze woke up with a horrible migraine once again. Elliott and I were doing just fine,  so I decided to take Elliott to my parents house for breakfast while everyone else went back to bed. After breakfast, Elliott went to Cleveland with my parents to visit family. I, on the other hand, went home to check on the rest of my sickies.   Lizze…


A Lost and Tired Christmas

Well it's finally here,  Christmas 2011. It took some doing to make it this far but we did.  The boys slept until about 6am this morning. Presents were had by all. Though I would count this as an overall success,  we did have a few setbacks. Lizze is down with a severe migraine again.  Emmett has also spiked a fever as well Gavin being on sensory overload. Lizze is going to be napping with Emmett shortly and Gavin should crash soon. Elliott and I might sneak off to my parents house for breakfast.  I hope you all have a awesome Christmas and holiday weekend.  Make of it what you can and find peace and joy in all the little things today. Thank you all for everything. Posted from WordPress for…

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The Christmas Haircut

It wouldn't be. Christmas without the drama of the Christmas Haircut.  Elliott did really great and I'm quite proud of him. Emmett on the other hand just said "no thank you haircut". I opted not to push him because he really didn't need it that bad. The place we take the boys is called Kuts for Kidz.  They are really great with the kids and never complain or even give me the impression that they don't like working with our Autistic boys.  Elliott wanted his hair short so he could wait for a long time before his next trim. He looks very handsome........ Posted from WordPress for Android