Today’s Victory: 12/31/2011

This is the final Today's Victory for the year 2011. It's pretty fitting that this little victory was brought to you by all three of my boys. They managed to find some common ground this afternoon.  That common ground happened to be Sonic Generations for the PS3.  While I would like there to be a common ground between them outside of video games,  after the last 2 weeks of no school,  I'll take what I can get. They really did work well together and I'm proud of them.  I hope these little victories carry over into the new year.


Do you ever miss your old life?

Please understand,  I love my family more than anything in the world. I wouldn't give them up for anything. However,  with that said,  there are times,  like today,  where I miss my old life. I miss the freedom and relatively carefree lifestyle I once had. Now,  don't get me wrong,  if I was presented with an opportunity to go back and change things,  I would still want to be where I am today. It's just that sometimes things just become so overwhelming that long for those easier days. Sometimes I'll hear a song on Google Music and I'm instantly transported back in to my college days. Living with friends,  going out and having fun and not having to make the types of decisions I do today. I miss my friends…

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When Autism Breaks My Heart

Over the years, I have learned to embrace my children for who they are and not what they are diagnosed with. However, with that said, there are times when Autism simply breaks my heart.   When my child is sick and can’t tell me what’s wrong. That’s when Autism breaks my heart. When my child is treated unfairly at school because they are “different”. That’s when Autism breaks my heart. When my child is in pain and can’t say where it hurts. That’s when Autism breaks my heart. When my child is harshly judged by the ignorant. That’s when Autism breaks my heart. When my child is angry and can’t tell me why. That’s when Autism breaks my heart. When my child is afraid and can’t tell me of what.…

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Finger painting on the bathroom wall

Emmett had a bath this morning.  Not that big of a deal except for the story leading up to the bath. Emmett woke up from his nap and had to go potty.  He went potty and tried to clean himself up. The keyword is try. I applaud his attempts at independence but that attempt was very messy and required the use of a carpet scrubber,  clean clothes and the aformentioned bath. He was nothing the mood for a bath and the sensory bombs wenwoukd normally use weren't an option today.  However,  I brought out the next best thing,  shaving cream.  :-) I spray shaving cream on the wall and Emmett finger paints.  What did you think I was referring to when I said fingers painting in the bathroom? Anyway,  he…


6th Antibody Infusion: Success

Gavin finished up his 6th and final Antibody Infusion of the year this afternoon.  He did a great job and I don't think he ever really complained about anything.  :-) We will be back for #7 in about 25 days. This is really an exhausting process for all involved.  Gavin is usually pretty run down afterwards and I'm completely drained after having to sit there for hours on end. I will say this though,  it could always be worse.  I'm throughly grateful that all he is receiving is an antibody Infusion and not something like chemotherapy. The infusion takes place in the oncology ward and I've seen kids much younger than Gavin bravely submitting to these treatments in order to fight off cancer.  My heart goes out to them and…


6th Antibody Infusion: Potty break

Gavin is well into his 6th Antibody Infusion today.  He decided that now was a good time to need to to go potty. In the past week have had accidents while receiving the infusion so I didn't want to take any chances. Since he was hooked up to the IV,  it made things a bit more challenging but Gavin did great.  He even pushed the IV poll all by himself,  without getting tangled or knocking it over.  :-) Hopefully,  that will be the last trip to the bathroom today,  at least until he's done.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android

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6th Antibody Infusion: IV placed

Gavin's IV is finally in ace and the IgG infusion has begun.  The whole process takes a few hours but as time goes by,  and his body continues to tolerate the infusion,  the process will be sped up. He did pretty well with the IV placement. He repeatedly asked the same questions over and over again but he's didn't scream. They drew blood so that he doesn't need a second needle poker on Monday in order to refill his Clozapine prescription. He's back to playing Phineas and Ferb on the PS3 and has phased everyone,  and everything,  out. Now we just wait....... Posted from WordPress for Android


6th Antibody Infusion: Prepped

After he was weighed in and his vitals checked,  he needed to be prepped for the infusion. I couldn't find the ENMA (I think) to put on his arms before we left so this will take an extra hour to complete.  We have to wait for the ENMA to numb his arm before they start the infusion. He also receives other medications as well to help his body better tolerate the foreign antibodies that are being infused. These medications take about an hour to kick in. While he waits,  he's playing Phineas and Ferb on the PS3. Posted from WordPress for Android