Today’s Victory: 01/01/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you once again by Elliott and Emmett. Despite all the chaos in the house today, Emmett and Elliott managed to squeeze out some time where they got along. Elliott allowed Emmett to play with his prized but broken DSi.  Elliott played the PS3 and Emmett sat next to him playing Mario on the DSi. It feels good to see this.  Sometimes I wonder of they will ever get along and today was one of those days that reminded me that they can. Awesome job boys.....  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Why you shouldn’t eat soap

The other night the boys came running into our bedroom to let us know that there's a problem.  They informed me that theybhad been using their detective skills and noticed something about our dog,  Maggie's, breath They informed me that it smelled like soap. This sent Emmett running into the bathroom,  only to discover that his precious bar of soap was missing. Somehow,  our idiot dog had found the bar of soap and decided to eat it. Emmett was very upset with her for eating his brand new bar of soap.  This was the bar of soap he used to wash his hands,  since he now refuses to use hand sanitizer. Needless to say, a bar of soap is not a good idea. Maggie has been puking the soap up…


Ever wondered what a “meltdown” was

We are half a day into the 2012 and we have just experienced the worst meltdown we have seen in the better part of a year. The New Year has always been a time of clean slates and new beginnings. This year seems to headed off in the wrong direction. For the very first time, in a very long time, Lizze and I both had to work together to manage Gavin during this meltdown. Typically, I handle the meltdowns because they have simply become to much for Lizze to deal with. She isn't strong enough to physically intervene or God forbid, have to defend herself. She will usually help me by staying with the other boys and helping them to feel same during their oldest brothers brief reign of terror. Terror is…


The 1st Meltdown of 2012

We're barely into the new year and Gavin is already having problems. He had a fit on the stairs this morning resulting in him getting a splinter in his foot. That splinter lead to a meltdown to him terrifying his brothers and even Maggie. This is not going to be a good day. Our goal was to visit with Lizze's family today but Gavin is already having. Gavin problems and any further stimulation,  no matter how positive it would be,  will further push him over the edge. I'm not in the mood for meltdowns today so I'm not looking forward to being awake the rest of the day...... Posted from WordPress for Android

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Lost and Tired in 2012

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope it went well for all of you. I thought I would make the first post of 2012 relate to what this year has in store. I have many plans for this year.  Some involving my blog and many more involving my family. One of my main goals this year is going to be relocating my family to a safer area.  That will be a huge undertaking and finding a new home will be challenging as I can already attest to.  Something else that will happen this is getting a better understanding of what Gavin is suffering from.  I'm hoping 2012 will bring with it some much needed answers. I also pray that Gavin's deterioration comes to a halt as well. We will be finding…


How are you spending the New Years Eve

As the clock ticks closer and closer to 2012, I wondered how you will all be celebrating tonight and tomorrow? As the last remaining member of the Lost and Tired family still awake on this new years eve,  I will likely spend it alone watching NetFlix. Lizze was going to hang out tonight but I think she fell asleep and I don't have the heart to wake her up. So,  it will be left over Pizza Hut pizza and some King of the Hill for me.  Rather boring but also rather relaxing. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Years Eve,  no matter how you choose to spend it.  :-)


Lost and Tired: Lifenin 2011 (pt 2)

As promised,  the list of victories the Lost and Tired has been blessed with in 2011. If you read the previous post,  you may notice that some of the things on this list were not the previous list as well.  That's because some things are blessings in disguise. This list felt really good to make because it shows just how far we have come this year. 1) I met the "Bare Handed Man". 2)  Emmett began talking :-) 3)  Our van worked some of the time. 4)  Lizze reconnected with her awesome friend/sister Vet and her amazing family. 5)  Lizze recovered from surgery. 6)  Emmett recovered from surgery. 7)  Surgery broken up Emmett's fevers. 8)  I made many,  many new friends through this blog. 9)  We were blessed by Betterment's…

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Lost and Tired: Life in 2011 (pt. 1)

2011 has been a very big year for the Lost and Tired family. Like any other family, we have had our highs and lows. I thought it would be appropriate to take a look back at some of the events that have impacted my family this year. These events, while heartbreaking, have each impacted the Lost and Tired family in a profound way. In some cases, our lives will be forever changed. The following are in chronological order,  not in oder of important or significance.  My brain isn't firing on all cylinders today so this is the easiest way for me to share this with all of you. I will post another list later with the more positive things that have happened in 2011. 1) I met the "Bare Handed Man". 2)…