Today’s Victory: 01/15/2012

Today's Victory is brought you're you by Gavin and Emmett. While it's true that Gavin can be very challenging,  he has some amazing qualities.  Today,  he worked very patiently with Emmett to build this castle out of blocks. Much of the time,  Gavin is very patient with his brothers.  It's one of his finest qualities. Elliott and Emmett both,  can be very frustrating to play with.  Gavin rarely loses his cool with his brothers.  Even when he does,  he never lashes out at them. I'm very proud of Gavin for all he is. Posted from WordPress for Android


Short but sweet

Emmett was to spend the night at Lizze's parents tonight.  He went over early this afternoon.  However,  we got a call around dinner time.  Apparently,  Emmett was asking to come home.  Lizze's and I both spoke with him and tried to reassure him that he would have fun.  Grandma and I agreed that she would call if he gets to upset. Sure enough,  a bit later she called back.  I spoke with him again,  however,  he said this to me. He very sweetly said "Daddy,  I come home now...please".  I know I should have stood strong and told him that he was going to have so much fun tonight and convince him to stay,  but he just melted me into a pudde of mush. I answered him by saying,  "of…

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Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason

Many of us have experienced meltdowns along the way on this journey we call special needs parenting. Sometimes there are obvious reasons for a meltdown and sometimes there isn't. I personally feel that it's important to try to find the reason a child is melting down because it may be possible to provide relief. However, as I said, there are times when it seems like there is simply no rhyme or reason to the behavior. I experienced one of these situations on the other day. Emmett and I were going to pick up the boys from school. He insisted on going with me, so it wasn't like I had dragged him along. Everything was fine and we were even singing the alphabet. Then seemingly out of nowhere, he began to…


Slight reprieve

As much as I love my little Emmett John, he's a handful to say the least. A little bit ago, Lizze's parents came and picked him up so he could spend the night. The house is so quiet without him screaming or instigating things with his brothers. Hopefully, everyone will get a little break today and Emmett will have a good rime at Grandma's house tonight. Ahhhhhh peace and quiet ;-) Posted from WordPress for Android


OMG it’s quiet

It's 10pm on a Friday night, the kids are in bed and sleeping.  The house is actually completely quiet. Lizze and I are actually able to chill out on the couch and just relax.  She's working on her netbook and I writing about....well...this.  King of the Hill is on Netflix and a cup of tea and a pretzel are in the near future. I hope your night is quiet and peaceful. What a great way to bring in the 3 day weekend. Posted from WordPress for Android


Picking up the boys

A rather extreme change in weather since this time yesterday.  This the view for Emmett and I as we wait for the boys to emerge from the school at 3pm... Luckily,  the roads aren't very bad.  The temperature sure has fallen.  It was in the 40's this time yesterday and now we're in the low 20's.    Brrrrrrr Posted from WordPress for Android


Fan page Friday

I thought that it would be cool to share our Facebook fan pages.  Maybe we can learn something new about each other and gain a few likes at the same time. So,  for now,  just add you Facebook Fan page or Community Page to the comments. At the end of the day I will add them all to the post and retweet it.  I would encourage you all to do the same... If ya'll like this than I will keep it up.  :-)   Facebook Fan Pages for 01/13/2012 Posted from WordPress for Android


More concern over Gavin

Something is wrong with Gavin.  It's one of those things that you just know.  He's getting sick at school everyday.  He's sleeping in class and way more often than usual at home.  Maybe it's puberty or maybe it's medication related.  I just don't know. This morning,  Gavin was woken at 7am to get ready for school.  He never got up and fell back asleep.  This is very unusual for him.  I'm not saying that it's serious but it's certainly concerning.  I don't know if it's related to whatever is going in the neurological arena. While we didn't have the snow day we expected,  we do have a 3 day weekend. Gavin will be seen by the pediatrician on Monday to see if everything is OK or if we can narrow…