Happy Birthday, you might have diabetes

We had Gavin appointment today with the pediatrician.  We explained how Gavin is getting sick after eating while at school.  We also explained how he's falling asleep after eating as well.  After going over everything,  the doctor said that these symptoms are consistent with early onset diabetes. We were sent to the lab for a glucose test along with his regular bloodwork. Because he already ate breakfast the lab sent us home because he hadn't fasted. We were set up to be back at 9am for the first blood draw.  Then we were to feed Gavin and bring him back,  2 hours after eating,  for the second part. Gavin was starving at this point so I took him to Chick-Fil-A to grab something to eat.  As I was paying for…


Investigating Gavin’s mysterious illness

We are at the pediatrician today to try and get a grip on what's going on.  I've mentioned previously that we recently found out that Gavin is getting sick every day at school and is falling asleep on a daily basis,  even after he has 12+  hours of sleep the night before. We are also going to have his. hearing tested because he always says that he can't hear us when we call for him so we're going to put that to rest. In the unlikely event that Gavin does have problems hearing than we can get that addressed.  My Mom has joined us this afternoon so she can spend some time with Gavin on his birthday.  After the appointment,  Gavin will get his blood work done and then maybe…


Things I never thought I would say to my kids: 01/18/2012

I really enjoyed reading what you folks wrote and shared the other day on the topic of Things I never thought I would say to my kids. So I thought I would try and make this a reoccurring post. Here is something I never thought I would say to my kids.   "Gavin,  are you eating your socks? " Those of you out there dealing with PICA will appreciate that.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Happy 12th Birthday Gavin

It was about 11 years ago when I met Lizze for the first time.  A few weeks later in was introduced to little boy not much older than a year. About 11 years later and I'm witness to his 12th Birthday.. Happy Birthday Gavin,  we love you so very much.  :-) This picture was taken shortly after Gavin and I fist met.  He was pretending to drive my brand new truck.  Much has changed since then but I cherish those memories dearly.  Please feel free to wish Gavin a happy birthday.  I know he'll love hearing from all of you.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


PICA and the missing toothpaste

Lizze and I noticed that a brand new tube of bubble gum flavored,  Sponge Bob toothpaste.  Gavin has denied any involvement in the case of the missing toothpaste.  However,  he is the only member of the Lost and Tired family that has a rather long history of doing things like this. He has, at many times in the past,  secretly stashed things like toothpaste and other non-food things that he likes to eat or drink. Anytime this has happened in the past,  Gavin continuously denies whatever it is we question him about until we discover the evidence in his possession.  The problem with this is that we don't know what we should do.  I mean,  do we assume that he's lying and error on the side of safety or do…


Moving forward

Something that I have learned over the past 11 years of special needs parenting is that moving forward is sometimes, easier said than done. This is one of the reason why it's so important that we not lose sight of the fact that baby steps will still get us to our destination. For the Lost and Tired family,  moving forward has never been easy.  Something always seems to come up and we have to shift priorities,  so it's difficult to really ever make progress or move forward. One of the best lessons I have learned is that every little victory,  no matter how small,  is just that.....a victory. Having said that,  we have gain one of those victories. Dr.  Reynolds has agreed to see Elliott for his anxiety.  His first…

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Autism and comorbidities

As I'm sure you are aware of,  Autism can be very challenging,  for both the person touched by it and their family.  But what happens when the person affected by Autism has other health/mental health problems as well?  This is commonly known as a comorbidity. In the case of the Lost and Tired family,  our 3 boys with Autism have other health/mental health issues.  Some of these additional challenges are minor in nature,  while others are deemed much more serious and tend to interfere with everyday life. Some of these issues facing the Lost and Tired family are,  ADHD,  OCD, PICA, Primary Immunodeficiency, PFAPA (a rare fever disorder),  Schizoaffective disorder, asthma, anxiety, PTSD and an as of yet,  undiagnosed degenerative neurological disorder. I say the Lost and Tired family is…


Wait, that’s a typical guy thing.. Alright!!

Elliott is a sweetheart of a child.  Having said that,  he is extremely anxious and we'll,  basically dislikes germs. Keep in mind that both of those descriptions should be considered understatements. Lizze and I were cleaning up after dinner and getting meds ready when Elliott comes running downstairs in a panic. I ran upstairs to find out what had happened and this is what I found. Personally,  I think this is hilarious and such a typical guy thing to do. Wait a second,  that was a typical guy thing,  wasn't it.  Alright Emmett.  However,  Elliott was really upset for two reasons.  One,  his DSi could fall and take a rather unpleasant bath.  Two,  even if it didn't fall into the toilet,  it does make anything better because now it has Emmett’s…

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