Today’s Victory: 01/19/2012

Today has been one of the worst days in Lost and Tired family history.  We've had bad days but this affected the whole family in a profound way,  especially the boys. So,  in an effort to be positive and move forward I'm awarding a Today's Victory. Today's Victory is being awarded to Lizze,  Gavin,  Elliott and Emmett.. Despite everyone's fear,  overstimulation and anxiety, we didn't kill each other and we will live to see another day. Sometimes that, in and of itself is victory and after a day like today,  I'll proudly stick that in the win column. In the picture below, Gavin worked together,  very patiently with Elliott, to help him play through Mario Brothers on Elliott’s broken DSi.  The DSi is crashing and making Elliott start over.  Gavin…


Joining the circus

Everyone in this house us driving me crazy.  Lizze always jokes about running away and joining the circus.  That sounds like a good idea right about now. Ironically,  Gavin is handling things the best right now,  however,  that may be because he is just shut down. He has been very quiet and timid today,  which is out of character for him lately. I have hidden myself away right now because I just can't take the whining anymore.  Elliott’s anxious to begin with but his DSi is on its last leg.  He gets really far in his Mario game only to have the system shut down and lose all his progress.  I give him credit because he keeps trying but it's honestly a losing battle.  His little world revolves around his…


Bladder infection

I forgot to mention that it appears that Maggie has a bladder infection.  She's having accidents and that never happens. It smells absolutely horrible,  so, I know somethings wrong. It happened to the couch last week and this morning to Elliott’s mattress,  which I have had to throw away. Calling the vet has been added to my list of things to do....   Update: I spoke with the Vet and they said that smell means infection. My hands are tied at the moment but we have to keep her kenneled until we can get her in. All I need is a urine sample and they can test it to confirm infection and prescribe the right medications. Until then, life is going to be fun. Posted from WordPress for Android


Stealing from a special needs family

This morning,  while I was walking out to our van,  two people jumped in and stole it.  I was about 15 feet away when it happened. The boys were watching out the window as it happened When I went into the house to call the police, the boys were hysterical and sobbing.  They were scared and don't understand why someone would do this to us.  We couldn't even get the boys to school because the car seats were in the van when they stole it. How do you explain to an Autistic child what just happened. I know that these idiots likely didn't target my family because we are a special needs family but I think the punishment should be proportional to the impact their actions have had on my…


Our van was just stolen

Our van was just stolen.  They stole it right in front of the boys. I'm was standing 15 feet away from the van when it happened.  I'm so pissed off right now and the boys are hysterical because the van didn't belong to those people.. They don't understand.. Waiting on police.. Posted from WordPress for Android


Things my kids say: 01/18/2012

Have you ever noticed that kids will say the cutest things.  When raising 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum,  there seems to be a steady stream of cute and interesting things that come out of there filterless mouths. Yesterday,  I was helping Emmett to play his new favorite game called Where's my water.  After beating the level he was stuck on with all 3 duckies,  he wrapped his little arms around my neck and said,  "Mank You, Daddy, you are the best brother in the world". What can you say to that besides... Thank you.....  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Glucose testing came back

I'm completely exhausted so I'm gonna make this short and sweet.  We got a call from the pediatrician's and they said that Gavin's blood sugar appears to be ok but he is anemic.  Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers today.  They worked :-) Now I'm ready to crash for the night.... Good night. Posted from WordPress for Android


Today’s Victory: 01/18/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Gavin.  Today is Gavin’s 12th birthday and it most definitely hasn't gone as planned. What was supposed to be a good day for Gavin,  turned into multiple blood draws today because the doctors suspect he may have early onset diabetes.  Despite how crappy the day has been,  Gavin never once complained.  In fact, Gavin did both blood draws without having to hold my hand.  This has never happened before today.  Gavin was a true champion today and I couldn't be prouder of him.  For this reason,  Gavin has been awarded Today's Victory. Posted from WordPress for Android