Finally feeling better

I'm finally starting to feel better. I almost never get sick but when I do,  I really get sick. I'm hoping to get caught up on some things this afternoon.  I'm way behind on the block stuff and I have many emails to return. Gavin and Elliott spent Thursday and Friday at their grandparents house so I could rest and Lizze only had to worry about Emmett. A huge thanks goes out to them for their help in our time of need.  :-D I have a lot of thinking to do today and I need to plan out how this whole car thing is going to work out.  The boys are really stressed and worried that we won't have a car and to be quite honest,  so am I. Of…


Stealing from a special needs family: update 6

I spoke with the total loss department at State Farm this afternoon.  The only thing we don't know for sure at this point is whether or not they will take into account all the repairs we had done this year. I have all the paperwork and I will send it back on Monday.  They will then overnight the check. I was also informed that they will be pulling the rental car on Wednesday of next week,  so I'm kinda under the gun. Elliott,  Gavin and I stopped by Downtown Ford on the way home from school today.  We needed to collect our personal belongings from the van. Elliott is very clearly struggling with this because he spent much of the time crying. He really liked that van and is devastated…

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Precious moments

I'll be honest,  I'm still feeling kinda crappy. That said,  I'm feeling much better than I was last night or this morning. Anyway,  I was feeling well enough to snuggle with Mr.  Emmett John. He can be sorta wiggly,  so with something like the stomach flu,  that doesn't always work out well. However,  this afternoon Emmett snuggled with me on the couch and feel asleep. I totally and completely love these moments.  They are so peaceful and help to make it all worth it.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Great news

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for Elliott.  The doctor says he should be fine.  We have no idea how it happened but it looks as though he should be better in a few days.  If anything changes we need to return. I appreciate the support.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


My sister is doing a marathon for Autism

My sister is taking part in the Rock 'n' Roll USA Marathon and Half Marathon to raise money for O.A.R. (Organization for Autism Research). It is a great organization! Please visit her fundraising website to find more information or to donate at FirstGiving: Please don't feel pressure to donate. I just wanted to share this with you and thought maybe you could share this information with others. You can donate online with a credit card. All donations are secure and sent directly to Organization for Autism Research by FirstGiving, who will email you a printable record of your donation. $.84 of every dollar goes directly to research! Thank you in advance for your support! If you are unable to donate, please share this page with anyone who might like to…


Please say a prayer for Elliott

I hardly remember yesterday or maybe I'm just trying to forget it.  Either way,  something happened yesterday that may amount to nothing,  but the school was worried enough try and have us come get him -although their attempts were in vain because Verizon must be having network problems and our phones never rang-. Elliott has been complaining about his joints alot lately.  He has an appointment with the rheumatologist in a few weeks. Yesterday,  he started complaints about his back during martial arts.  When they looked at his back,  there was a knot on his spine. This seemingly came out of nowhere. Elliott says that he doesn't know what happened but he never hurt himself. Lizze currently has Elliott at the doctor's to make sure everything is OK.  They are…


Please be patient with me

You may have noticed my absence today.  I'm pretty sick at the moment.  Maybe the stomach flu or food poisoning. I haven't been this sick in years.  I know I'm supposed to be working on some things with some of you,  but this is the first time I have been able to move today without getting sick. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning. Thanks for understanding. Posted from WordPress for Android


Stealing From A Special Needs Family: update 5

Total loss. That is the final verdict and the unavoidable fake of the Lost and Tired family van. The updated estimate came back this evening and was in the neighborhood of $3700. Keep in mind that the idiots that stole the van only had it for about 2 hours. I haven't quite decided if this is a good thing or not. It's bad for obvious reasons. However, depending on what the settlement ends up being, it could be a step in the right direction. I produced all the receipts for repair work we have had completed on the van in the past 12 months alone. The receipts totaled out to $6,610. They said they will take that into account and give me a number some time tomorrow. Hopefully, it's enough to…