Gavin and I

Just a random shot of Gavin and I.. I took this while he and I were out. Posted from WordPress for Android


Feeling Blue

So you all know we had to get a new van recently.  Well,  part of the deal included the dealership completing a few things,  as well as some minor repairs. There were 3 little paint chips on the hood.  They were supposed to touch these spots up.  I wasn't expecting perfect,  as my main concern was preventing rust. However,  this is what they provided me.  I'm a bit disappointed in not only the quality of the work but that fact that they used the wrong freaking color. Does anyone else agree that this looks like the wrong color? They are going to look into it when it goes back in to have the seat belt fixed. So,  I need your opinion. Does this look like the right color?  Also,  does…


Sometimes I just need things to stop

I consider myself a relatively patient guy.  I'm far from perfect but I'm pretty patient. Having said that,  everyone is driving me crazy.  All day I have listened to Elliott whine and Emmett scream. Gavin is doing pretty well but he is repeating himself all the time and doing everything super fast.  Behavioral wise,  he's doing well. Lizze isn't feeling good.  She battling these horrid migraines and her whole body just hurts. When you combine all of the above,  it's a recipe for insanity. My eyes are twitching right now. The boys are about 90% down for the night. Elliott however,  has decided that he has to watch a specific episode of Phineas and Ferb tonight. Once he finds it,  he'll be out like a light. I know it's to…


Today’s Victory: 02/07/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by my youngest minions, Elliott and Emmett. While these two are typically at each other's throats,  mostly because Emmett enjoys picking on Elliott,  they got along really well this morning while Mommy was at the doctor's.  The two of them actually snuggled on the couch and watched TV.  I wish I knew how or why this happened so I could reproduce this on demand but I may never know. Either way,  I'm grateful for the time they did spend together in peace and harmony. I'd certainly call that a victory. Gotta love that cheesy grin :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


Hello anti-anxiety medication

Elliott began his anti-anxiety medication this morning.  As much as I hate the idea of medicating my 5 year old,  it's the right thing to do. We kept him home from school so wrong could keep an eye on him.  Even at the low dose it does appear to be producing a sedative effect.  It will take a little while for us to know if it's actually helping to reduce his anxiety or not. Hopefully this will help him to just be a kid and let go of at least some of his worry. Posted from WordPress for Android


Today’s Victory: 02/06/2012

Today's Victory is brought to by Mr.  Emmett John. This afternoon,  Emmett and I spent some 1 on 1 time together while Gavin was at therapy and Elliott was at Grandma's house. Emmett and I were looking for a snack,  and, of course,  he found the cookie mix. He just had to make cookies,  so we worked together and baked so double chocolate cookies for after dinner. He did really well and listened to the instructions and very carefully mixed everything together.  At first he didn't want to touch the cookie dough but he gave it a try and found it was really fun. I'm really glad we had this time together today.  We need to do this more often.  :-) Posted from WordPress for Android


We begin anti-anxiety meds

In the morning,  Elliott will finally begin his anti-anxiety medication. It took forever to get the script worked out between the doctor and the pharmacy.  Elliott will start 5mg of Zoloft in the morning.  This is a very low dose because we are treating anxiety and also,  Elliott is really tiny. If things don't improve in the next 2 weeks we will double the dose and see if that helps.  We plan on keeping him home from school tomorrow because with a new medication, we never know how he will react.  We prefer to keep an eye on him to make sure there are no side effects. I pray that this will help him to relax.  He's wound pretty tight and is always worrying about something.  I hope this can…


10 Things My Autistic Kids Wished You Knew: The Movie

I made this movie, based on my very popular post, "10 Things My Autistic Kids Wished You Knew". Please feel free to use this video to help spread Autism Awareness, or to help educate those people in your life that may not understand the challenges our kids on the Autism Spectrum can face. If you do use this, please link back to this page. :-)   [youtube width="720" height="480"][/youtube]