My wife and I were talking the other day and we somehow wandered into the topic of driving.
Gavin is very quickly approaching the age where most kids are thinking about their drivers license or at the very least, their temps.
The thought occurred to us, will Gavin ever be able to drive? Forget will, should he be allowed to drive?
I realize that I may offend some by asking this question but that is not my intention, at all. I’m very serious. Should my Autistic son be allowed to drive when he reaches the legal age?
My gut tells me that he will never drive. The reason I say that is because I don’t think that Gavin has enough control over his own body, how could he safely control a vehicle?
I’m certainly not trying to say that Autistic persons shouldn’t or can’t drive.
What I am asking is, how do you know if your Autistic child should be driving?
Are there state laws that address this? I know that many people with Autism live happy, productive lives and are more than capable of driving.
When I look at Gavin, I see someone that, at this point in time, should never be behind the wheel of a car. Things could change in the next few years but I highly doubt anything could change enough to allow me to feel comfortable enough to let Gavin drive.
He talks about driving and I always just listen to what he has to say. I haven’t told him he couldn’t drive because I don’t know that to be the case.
However, as much as I would love for him to be that independent, I have to also think about the other people on the road.
Gavin can’t push a grocery cart without running into someone. I can’t even imagine what he could do with a 2000 pound car. Does that make sense?
Do any of you have Aspie’s at home that are of the driving age? How have you handled the whole driving thing?
I would appreciate any feedback on this.
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