I’ll love you for “A Thousand Years”

Despite all the heartache and struggle, I wouldn't trade my wife and kids for anything in the world. Lizze shared her favorite song with me last night. I found the video on YouTube and thought I would share it with you all. It's a beautiful song by Christina Perri call A Thousand Years. It's from the soundtrack of Breaking Dawn Part 1. The words seem to cut a chord with my amazing wife. This is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in a long time. I thought I would dedicate this to my beautiful family. I love you all and I'll love you for a thousand years :-) Thank you for sharing this song with me Lizze. I love learning new things about my best friend. :-)   [youtube…


How to pull everything off?

This weather is taking its toll on Lizze. I have never seen her in so much pain.. When I say this, but I mean it literally. Every inch of her body is in excruciating pain.. She showed me her tremors last night and they are really getting bad.. The medication she is taking, I no longer seems to be working. The only thing it does is make her sleep. We have so much coming up this month and I have no idea how I'm gonna pull it off on my own. In Monday, my Mom is going to watch Elliott and Lizze's Dad is going to take Gavin to his antibody infusion. We have to be with Emmett at the Rheumatologist the same time Gavin has to be in Oncology.…

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We’re down 2 kids

Lizze's parents have provided a much needed reprieve today. They have taken Elliott and Gavin for the and tonight. :-) Elliott has been driving everyone crazy with his anxiety. Gavin has been doing as well can realistically be expected. We needed this break because we have an unbelievable amount of appointments beginning this we and lasting through the end of the month. We will basically be moving into Akron Children's Hospital for the rest of the month, beginning with 5 appointments next week. Between Elliott, Emmett and Gavin, we have several appointments with the neurologist for seizure concerns. We're also hoping maybe we can get some more insight into Gavin's other neurological issues. We will also be seeing the Rheumatologist because of Emmett's rheumatological issues and Elliott's joints and tendons. Gavin…


Gavin’s new Lego creation

Gavin wanted me to post a picture of his new Lego creation.  I was happy to oblige and help him share with you,  the fruits of his labor. This is Gavin's natural smile.  It always seems forced and a bit strange. This is Gavin's smile after I get him to relax and bit and just have fun with it.  Great job Gavin.....


Did God make a mistake?

I'm not overly religious but I do have faith.  I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school all the way through college. I believe in God and I pray from time to time. I know that many people don't like the idea of questioning God.  Having said that,  as a father of three special needs boys,  I been known to question God from time to time. As things get more and more difficult,  I'm finding myself wondering something.  It's a question that is burning and so I just have to ask it. Did God make a mistake? I guess what I mean is,  did God make a mistake when he decided I was strong enough to be a special needs parent?  I wonder sometimes,  well,  actually more than sometimes,…


I love their curiosity

One of the things I love the most about my boys is their endless curiosity,  especially Emmett. Emmett loves to investigate how things work. He is always carrying around this magnifying glass with him. One of his most favorite things to do is look at his fish through the magnifying glass,  as you can see in the pictures below. We had to replace one of his fish yesterday as it had died a little while ago.  I don't remember what this new one is called,  but it's orange and Emmett named him Nemo.  That just to precious,  right? We also picked up some Ghost Shrimp,  cause they were like $. 25 each.  He's just fascinated by these little guys....and girls.  Well,  at least one girl anyway.  We have a very,…

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Do you ever feel this way?

I think I know the answer to this but I'm gonna ask the question anyway. Do you ever get to the point with all that special needs parenting entails,  that you feel like you're going to lose your mind? I mean honestly,  with all the screaming,  overstimulation and meltdowns,  do you ever feel like you're going to just lose it? I sure as hell do,  especially on days like today. I think that it's pretty normal to feel this way. I also think it's important to share these feeling so that you and everyone else that is experiencing these feelings,  know that they aren't alone.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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Read more about the article Isn’t #Autism enough?
The large red oval is just one giant cold sore

Isn’t #Autism enough?

I have been suspecting that Emmett is about to begin another fever flare. All the screaming and yelling yesterday and today were sure signs. However, this morning it has been confirmed. He has cold sores appearing on his tongue again. These are small now, maybe about the size of a pea. However, over the next day or so they will grow into what you see in the picture below.  These will last about 10 days before starting to go away for a few weeks. You can understand why he would be miserable. I've talked to so many people that have just never seen anything like it before. Pictured below, is just one of dozen or so cold sores that develop when these fevers pop up. I can't even begin to imagine…

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