Can’t win for trying

Well,  tonight is going to be fun.  I went to check on the boys before bed and Elliott has spiked a fever.  He's all congested and at about 102°f. Lizze called him off for tomorrow as he is running a fever.  Hopefully,  he will feel better soon. We just finished up the rest of his makeup work tonight before bed. Man alive,  we just can't win for trying.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.

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Stealing from a special needs family: Breaking In

I wanted to update everyone on the last little bit of drama surrounding the theft of the Lost and Tired family van. A few days ago,  we came home and found that the deadbolt on the front door had been tampered with. The face plate was all scratched up and our wasn't working well and the barrel was jamming. What clearly happened is that someone tried forcing the wrong key in the deadbolt.  I would assume it was the same people that stole our van and kept the house key. That's the only thing that makes any sense. It wasn't Lizze or myself.  That's all we know for sure,  aside from the fact that whoever did this,  didn't make it in. This doesn't really change anything as we knew that…


It’s about freaking time

As you know,  Emmett went to the Rheumatologist this morning at Akron Children's Hospital.  The concern was Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  While the blood work is pending and we should have the results next week,  he does not appear to have JRA.  I can't explain just how awesome this news is.  This never happens to us.  We hardly ever get good news from a doctor. This time it appears to be a different scenario. He had to have blood work done but they are not expecting any to turn up.  What an awesome way to start this crazy,  crazy week. Thank you for all your kind words,  thoughts and prayers.  My heart goes out to all of you out there who are dealing with any type of arthritis. **Thanks for reading**…


Welcome to Pediatric Rheumatology

We have arrived at Akron Children's Hospital,  Rheumatology clinic.. I'm so desperately hoping to actually get answers this time.  Typically,  we end up with more questions than answers.  I hope for Emmett's sake and for our sanity,  that we can find some help. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


8th Antibody Infusion

Gavin is currently on his way to his 8th antibody infusion.  Grandpa is taking him today,  so I will not be documenting this particular infusion. I'm confident that Gavin will do just fine. The reason we are not going to be with him today is Emmett has a very important appointment at about the same time.  They are both at Akron Children's Hospital but on different floors.  My Mom and Dad have Elliott and will be hanging out with him today while we are gone.  Please keep Gavin and Emmett in your thoughts and prayers today.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very…


The road ahead

Tomorrow is a big day for the Lost and Tired family.  Gavin will endure his 8th antibody infusion in the morning.  Lizze's father is kind enough to sit with Gavin tomorrow because Lizze and I can't be there.  Gavin's pretty excited that Grandpa is going to take him. While Gavin is receiving the antibodies he needs because he has no immune system of his own,  Lizze and I will be with Emmett. Emmett has his first appointment with the Rheumatologist in the morning.  He was referred there by his immunologist because she is concerned he may have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I think that Lizze and I both share this concern because Emmett complains about his joints and they are often inflamed and hot to the touch. There is also a…

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United we stand Divided we fall

We have all heard the phrase united we stand, divided we fall. How many of us apply that lesson to our daily lives? I'll be the first to admit that I fail at this sometimes. At times, I feel it's better to go my own way because I don't agree with how or why someone else is doing something, even if we both have the same goal.. There are even times that I disagree so strongly that I simply don't want to be associated with them. Having said that, I fully intend on changing that part of me. While I honestly don't take that approach very often, I still do at times and that's enough of a reason for me to address this within myself. This leads me to the point of…


#Autism and the little treasures

This is more of a question really but also a sharing of my experience. Do any of your kids collect. Little treasures? I ask because of our 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum,  both Gavin and Elliott have a history of collecting.  Well actually,  in Gavin's case,  it's more like hoarding. Gavin will hoard all the Lego's, Hot Wheels and stuffed animals. In Elliott's case, he collects these little treasures.  These little treasures are usually,  odd little trinkets that have broken off of other toys.  From what I understand,  this is a way of him exerting control over his life,  and to be completely honest,  he has very little control over his life otherwise. I was just wondering if anyone else sees this type of behavior?  He's not stealing or…