Changing of plans is no surprise…again

I mentioned last night that we have rescheduled Elliott and Gavin's appointment with the neurologist until after they have their EEG'S done next week. There were a few reasons for this but one of them was that Elliott wasn't feeling well. Elliott woke up this morning and all he really has is a runny nose. He has an occasional cough but it's related to post nasal drip and not some kind of respiratory infection. He also hasn't run fever since Wednesday. He was up early and immediately bouncing off the walls. Lizze and I decided that he was well enough to go back to school.  He did not like that idea at all.  He lost it and soon came the river of tears that that we have become accustomed to, …


Changing of plans is no surprise

Tomorrow was supposed to be spent at Akron Children's Hospital.  Elliott and Gavin both had back to back appointments with the neurologist for possible seizures. However,  Elliott is still sick and the EEG'S are next week.  We decided rather than just cancel Elliott's appointment that we would cancel both. We rescheduled them for after the EEG'S are done. While it was done do to Elliott being sick,  it actually makes more sense to do it this way. I guess the neurologists office preferred it this way as well.  Now,  I need to figure out how to contain Elliott in his room and in bed tomorrow so he actually rests and gets better. One thing I have learned as a special needs parent is that you have to be flexible in…

Read more about the article Life After My Broken Heart

Life After My Broken Heart

A message from the author, Rob Gorski: This post is a day late and a dollar short. I have been wanting to write a follow up to My Broken Heart for quite sometime now. It's really hard for me to put into words just how much meeting the bare-handed man has affected me. I was so upset and depressed in the months following this experience that I ended up back on antidepressants. I just couldn't understand how this kind of thing could happen and I still don't. We live in a world that has its priorities in the wrong places. As a society, we seem to value money, power, fame and fortune. We can put a man on the moon and pay an athlete millions of dollars a year to play…


Autism, Regression and My Littlest Angel

Of our 3 boys on the spectrum, Emmett,  our 3 year old is the most profoundly affected by #Autism. He is considered pre-verbal as he has developed some language and speech skills. However,  despite the great strides he has made in the last year or so,  he is still severely speech and language delayed. It's really easy for me to forget just how much he struggles with communication because we are so used to it that we are able to decipher a lot of what he is trying to say. Having said that,  it's an immediate crash back to reality when I see Emmett with a neurotypical peer.  The difference in speech and language is undeniable,  especially when it comes to expressive language. I haven't written about this because in…


A day of rest

Aside from taking and picking up Gavin from school,  we have nothing today. This is a welcomed change of pace. Elliott is home once again because he sick.  His little nose is just dripping like a leaky faucet.  Not only is it leaking out but it's also leaking back and causing him to cough quite a bit. We gave him some benadryl as a means of trying to dry him up.  Hopefully it helps. Emmett has finally begun to run a fever.  I say finally because he started with the mouth sores a few days ago already.  We knew the fever would soon follow. We will be trying to rest as much as possible because tomorrow brings with it a return to Akron Children's Hospital.  This time it's the neurologist.…


One helluva meltdown

Gavin just had a helluva meltdown.  This was by far,  the worst one we have seen in about 9 months.  He dropped his sucker and instead of just asking for a new one,  he chose to through a fit.  I tried to defuse it before he went nuclear but it was just to late.  He completely lost it and was screaming like someone was ripping his finger nails off or something. This lasted for a solid 20 minutes. Then,  as quickly as it began, it ended.  Now he's acting as if nothing had happened. That is one of the most frustrating things for me.  The moment that Gavin ends the meltdown,  he moves on. Everyone else is still trying to process what just happened and Gavin just picks up and…


Learning the hard way

Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way.  No matter how many times I try to explain to my kids why we do something a certain way,  sometimes they just have to learn on their own. The other day,  Emmett snuck out of the house.  Now,  I was out with Maggie in the yard at the time.  However,  he let himself out and without a coat on. It was in the 50's out so it wasn't that cold. However,  he refused to go back into the house.  When Lizze and I both tried to get him,  he ran deeper into the yard. We explained that he's not allowed to let himself out of the house.  Did he understand that?  Probably not,  but it feels like the right thing to…

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Rheumatology Take 2: The weigh in

Elliott has been weighed, measured and had his BP and temperature taken. Would you believe that Elliott only weighs about 6 pounds more than Emmett.  Elliott will be 6 years old in about 2 weeks and Emmett is only 3 years old.  Elliott is just really tiny I guess.  It's just crazy to think that our 3 and almost 6 year old are almost the exact same size and weight. Is that weird? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.